I came across this article and I was literally startled by how exactly similar our symptoms are. I’m not sure about the gene/hereditary information she speaks about but focus on how she says she “crashed”. That she had thick legs that immediately got skinny, sound familiar? From elevated cortisol/adrenal fatigue she mentions the following symptoms
Bruxism, anxiety, insomnia, eye floaters, startle reflex ( I had that bad at crash time, I jumped from everything), loss of musclemass because if breakdown in collagen synthesis (any body with skinny lower legs and lower arms?), weakness in legs (anyone have trouble getting out of a chair sometimes?) loss of hair on legs, arms, outer eyebrows, back pain, tinnitus, waking up with numb hands, salt and chocolate cravings ( I’m doing better but a year ago I couldn’t stop eating chocalate in the PM) Los body temperature, dark circles under eyes, lack of sweating, brain fog, short term memory loss.
Dr. Jacobs did diagnose me as pseudo cushings, but unfortunately mainstream medicine really only recognizes major adrenal disorders like Cushing’s syndrome or Addison syndrome. Is it possible that our condition just falls outside the scope of this? A doctor that can’t say you have cushings or Addison’s will tell you to try to relax and lower stress levels, now we know that’s not the cause.
My point is the slightest imbalance could have set the cascading events off. What is most alarming is that potentially the treatment for our finasteride condition which is not believed to exist might come from treating another condition “adrenal fatigue” that is also very difficult for mainstream medicine to accept