Adrenal Fatigue

I agree with you completely, I am basically doing the adrenal fatigue program for my recovery. The only addition is a single 250 mg T shot in the very beginning.

May I ask what the adrenal fatigue program is?

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My program consists of a single 250mg T shot at the very beginning to either stop the endocrine crashes from happening again or prevent them from happening in the first place.

After that it is then down to diet, exercise, hot baths, meditation and semen retention.

The program consists of

Heating up the kidneys everyday. This can be done by taking a hot shower to your back for about 20 mins, a hot bath or with cardio exercise. I find that gentle cardio exercise on a cross trainer with a sweat jacket for 45 minutes every day works the best for me. If you are taking a hot bath or hot shower to your kidney region, you will notice that your heart will start beating faster after about 20 mins or so. It will calm down again as soon as you finish. No need to worry about it.

I practice meditation everyday, i generally do 45mins in the morn and 45mins at bedtime. I also practice mindfulness and say mantras to myself if my emotions are getting to strong in either direction, good or bad, it doesn’t matter. Another thing that works for me if my emotions are running high, i just sit still in a chair and close my eyes for 10 to 15 minutes. It is important to keep your mind as calm as you can to progress your recovery each day. Mood management is really important for your recovery.

Diet is important for your recovery each day also. There are certain things that you must avoid such as alcohol, spicy food, caffeine and sugary foods. High fiber foods and fruit and vegetables are good to combat constipation. Give your body foods that are not too taxing for your digestive system. If your daily stools are quite lumpy or type 2 on the Bristol Stool Chart, you need to add more fruits and vegetables.

Semen retention. I limit ejaculations to twice a month.

Acupuncture is also very good , but not mandatory, if you do enough meditation you can get by without it.

I have seen great progress with this and have seen dramatic improvements mentally, physically and sexually and continue to improve.

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Thank you very much for taking time and writing your tips.

I will try to follow them.

Really apreciate it.

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No worries.

Just remember to take the T shot first if you have not taken one already.

The T shot stops the crashes.

The crashes just make your recovery much much longer.

If i only had 1 crash, i would be better a long time ago.

I had 3 or 4 crashes, that is why i am still recovering 7 years later.

I am not 100% recovered but quite close to it.

What exactly is a T shot?

How did you figure out you needed one? Through some tests?

T shot is a shot of Testosterone.

Testosterone Cypionate Injection ( 250mg)

Brand name ( Depo-Testosterone )

My urologist suggested i try it.

My urologist gave me 2 of them a week apart from each other. You have to have your blood tested before you get them. My blood tests came back that my Testosterone was a little low and my Prolactin was a little high.

I do not have the exact numbers.

The first shot made me feel great, the second pretty much did nothing and i stopped after the second shot.

But i noticed that i no longer had endocrine crashes after the T shots.

That is why i tell everyone to have a single T shot before you do anything with this recovery.

I believe that the T shot will stop the crashes from happening and then the rest of the recovery is down to you.

Check out my program for what i did on my post


TRT means testosterone replacement therapy.

If you have not had a T shot so far, i recommend you do.

It could save you a lot of time with the recovery process.

Good luck.

Thanks a lot for the explanation.

I’m having some bloodwork done this upcoming week and I’ll see what the outcome of that is.


Just ask the doctor , What is the worst thing that can happen after a single 250mg Testosterone shot.

If he says , not much, then ask to have one just for peace of mind.

Tell me how it goes.

Good luck

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Old thread but I believe you have just described what has occurred to my body which was a result after taking Tribulus which contains Beta Sitosterol found in Saw Palmetto

I also took fin but was a very mildish case until I took DIM and Tribulus afterwards which messed me up further.

My pre and post Tribulus Estrogen blood tests don’t show any remarkable change yet I know there is an estrogen dominant issue now.

Perhaps estrogen is elevated in my CNS or possible progesterone estrogen ratio comes into play

My 24 hr cortisol test show poor function, very low end of the range 8am and 12am

My Vitiman D shockingly low too .
Tribulus gave me some sort of immune reaction so I can no longer take vitamin D supplements.

Just two Tribulus capsules screwed me up loads more.