Adrenal Fatigue & Low Adrenal Function

One problem I have had is getting treatment for adrenal gland fatigue. Obviously if we determine we have adrenal fatigue many of us would prefer to simply take cortisol to resolve the issue. Apparantly you could have to do this for life though.

I have hypothyroidism and am still waiting to determine if I have High Reverse T3. I was told by my doctor that did the diagnosis for hypothryoidism, that adrenal fatigue is very common with hypo people.

The problem is they have to be dealt with separately.

This is great website that I found that answers a lot of the questions related to adrenal fatigue.

Below is an alternative option to using cortisol to treat adrenals. I have just started using licorice root, ginseng and vit C.

I have not seen this topic below posted on this site. It is possible that resolving the adrenal gland issue could correct in inbalance between Testosterone & estrogen in us.

We all know the link between hypothyroidism, but adrenals need to be dealt with separtately.

Limit your coffee and caffene intake or it will tax your adrenals and make it worse.

This could part of the link as to why many of us feel the worst in the morning. Our cortisol levels are low. Interestingly, I don’t recall anyone on this site every having used cortisol yet.

check out the website, there are other remedies for dealing with adrenal fatigue as well.

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I had extremly low rt3. It has nothing to do with this pfs condition. Can the thyroid guys please get their head out of there asses

It seems more like you need to get your own head out of your own ass. Everything I post is based upon fact. I was diagnosed hypothyroid with adrenal fatigue, from one of the most prominent thyroid doctor’s in the country; and was perfectly healthy before taking propecia.

What research have you done? What substance do you add to this forum? You have nothing to add, but try to insult people that are trying to help others.

So if you have all the answers Einstein, about why RT3 is low, lay it on me. I want facts. That means links to studies that verify information. A well thought out theory, that doesn’t include some snake oil salesman nonsense or theory dejour.

Now, here’s your chance to show everyone how stupid us “thyroid guys” are.

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Yeah sure thyroid whatever. All my thyroid tests are in range so its not a problem for me. But if you are out o range sure look into it, whatever you want. Sorry i was a bit pissed off this morning and i shouldnt have got on here, i deserve a punch in the face.
Fight on

Boston i write this next bit not to offend anyone but to show you what it looks like to me
-Jn is on t3, he gets better, he gets worse, he gets better he gets worse, this seems like a trend for jn. Jn i think you are stand up for what you have done in your recovery attemps.
-You yourself were on thyroid meds and noted improvement but nowhere near a full recovery, have since discontinued?
-Dury claimed recovery via thyroid meds and is now claiming recovery via clomid, i dont know what to make of this.

Once again sorry for the above post, i had a shit day at work and took it out on propeciahelp, this is totally unexceptable sorry fellas.

Btw i think a good name for a theory thread would be “acute zinc loss of the prostate due to reduced 5ar2 activity/increased estrogen, with consideration to zinc reabsorption deficiencies”.

Boston, you need to be off cortisol stimulating substances before being tested, I think 2 weeks.

Tim, there have been some inconsistencies with application of Thyroid treatment so far, we’re just starting this and it’s complicated. Everyone is affected differently from PFS and so far no one has followed the treatment recommended for reducing high RT3 as the guides suggest they should. Fin found the weakest link in our bodies and broke it, repairing it isn’t easy and EVERYONE may have a different protocol. The direction now is to try and identify and treat each person individually. I can tell you from experience that I have supplemented zinc and had intially positive then an AWFUL reaction which included kidney shutdown. It is completely possible that our bodies stopped absorbing zinc, if they are indeed deficient, because they weren’t able to handle it due to something such as a taxed liver. If you think there is a zinc problem with you, focus on it, get tested, and try to treat, or just treat and see what happens. I did the latter assuming it was a zinc deficiency and had a NEGATIVE reaction.


It’s ok, We have all had many shity days for sure. No hard feelings here.

Look, I certainly don’t have all of the answers regarding all of this. My personal opinion all along has been that we have multiple things wrong with us, meaning it’s likely that Thyroid/adrenal would only be one piece of the puzzle. However, I pray that it coule be as simple as just a thyroid & adrenal issue.

I am still using the thryoid medication. I admit everything is still far from perfect. However, there have been some very positive changes, that shouldn’t be ignored.

I think at least part of the problem lies in addressing adrenal fatigue. This could be why JN is experiencing. I felt I was doing very well on earlier in the week due to exercising to aggresively on Sunday. I have since done several things to address adrenals and feel much better.

The last thing I want is everyone to look at one cause of our problem. The more of us that are exploring different possible causes the better. So if you have a reasonable theory, I would be interested to see it.


I was only on some these things for two days, you think it will matter? I did the blood test this morning.

To me boston we are sufferering from a fundamental breakdown in sex hormone metabilism and reception and im not sure hyothyroid/adrenal insufficency can cause that type of damage, if it can it is yet to be reported, but as for all pfs stuff its an unknown.

This is a very good read, a very very good read. please dont be to ignorant not to read it.

I don’t know. Did you start them immediately before testing?

Martin, i am investigating this. Its interesting to note lets convieniance said hed had a great reaction from his protocol for two weeks, then had some"moments of hell". His thread says he had copper toxicity, where in reality zinc deficiency is the true monster. Zinc, copper and iron are all related in uptake
What i think is happening here is zinc is replacing other minerals in the liver and excreting the other ones which give off “detox symptoms”. I am currently worse off at the moment then i was before i started zinc but i am going to push on, i feel i have to do it for the cause, i am now taking bile.
Once again sorry to “diss” you thyroid guys i really appriciate the research you are doing, i think it is better if we have different people specializing rather than individuals just taking a brief look at everything.

Cheers guys

btw maybe zinc has a positive effect on the thyroid

This statement is incorrect,adrenal insufficency can cause that type of damage.The fact is that if adrenals aren’t functioning correctly your thyroid will get fucked and then your pituitary gland will follow.

adrenals are not the root of this.

The author of this quote is wrong, treatment ranges from 8 weeks to a few months unless your adrenals are completly fucked up.If they are completly destroyed then it will take 6 months-2 years of hydrocortisone use.

You are mistaken my friend,you seem like a pretty bright guy im suprised you don’t understand this.

You are bright to but you are choosing to ingnore the fact we have had a fundamental breakdown in Androgen reception.

Well then how do you explain my situation where I am on a roller coaster,meaning some days im normal and other days I am not.This seems like a communication problem in the hpta axis.Also you have said yourself that u feel better with high doses of vit c and zinc,im sure you know that this is what is recommended for adrenal fatigue.


Ok, I had no idea. thanks for letting me know. There was some good information on that site though.

I had started Armour and was on it for 2 months. I just read that if you don’t improve your adrenal glands first taking thyroid medications won’t work properly. If this is the case, we likely need to get a 24 hour saliva test done to confirm adrenal fatigue first.

I had just begun taking Isocort and felt some positive reactions as a result of it. Now I think I should really get the 24 hour test done, since I have no idea what the condition of my adrenals are. I will likely have to wait a couple of weeks to cleanse my system before taking the test.

Are you treating your Adrenals now? Have you had the 24 hour saliva test done?

I am going to start in a few days cause I have a bad cold,dude all you have to do to see if you have adrenal fatigue is take you blood pressure while lying down,then stand up and take it again immedietly.If your adrenals are screwed you bp will drop,ur bp should rise if u have normal function.


Are you saying that once the adrenals become fatigued our pituitary glands will not function properly as result of the adrenals being fatigued? Could you provide a link or some data to back this up? Is this effect on the pituitary isolated to it’s regulation of the adrenals or is it believed to have a wider more damaging effect, such as other hormones as well?

This description of the four stages of adrenal fatigue gives some explanation for the link to sexual dysfunction. We would likely be in stage 2 or 3 if this is part of our problem. … chael-lam/