Adrenal Fatigue in a combination with Thyroid problems

This was discussed heavily last year and this article didn’t break new ground. I don’t have energy to go back over every thing that’s double posted, I’m not sure about the rest. You can’t cherry pick hormones that JN took and single them out as the cause for his recovery. In the previous threads we discussed iodine and found that some of us, per the skin test, were deficient. However if you have a RT3 problem Iodine will only fuel it, you need to take only T3, as both T3 and RT3 are derived from T4 which the body gets one way or another as a result of armour or Iodine.

I tried to treat with Iodine and it briefly caused improvements before putting myself in a worse position. The problem is our bodies don’t respond as they should to these treatments due to how propecia physiologically altered our bodies. Even if metabolism speeds up it needs a lot more than just T3/Cortisol to sustain.

With Propecia we shut off DHT + a cortisol pathway + dihydropregnalone or dyhydroprogesterone (can’t remember which) while simultaneously spiking testosterone and estrogen. These are all key hormones for the body’s proper neurological and sexual function. Some of them occur in the brain and have further downstream effects. Simply replacing cortisol or T3 is not going to cure the whole problem IMO. It is also possible that finasteride literally shut off or killed off areas of the brain, or pathways in the brain, that we need for sexual function.

Nevertheless if you choose to go down this path I’m sure we’d all like to see updates. I’m not trying to be too much of a downer but don’t assume your article isn’t read just because the concept is new to you.

I agree. I dragged the following hormones to the top of their range, and it didn’t boost my T: pregnenolone, progesterone, cortisol, DHEA, FT3, FT4. RT3 is optimal.

But, what I hope is true, is that keeping these hormones high will make traditional T-boosting methods work, as in Dury’s case (clomid) and in JN’s case (TRT). My dr doesn’t want to boost T yet, but, when he will, we’ll see what happens.

Yep, thats why JN NEEDED TRT otherwise I doubt he would feel good…He hasnt been on here in months, it has to be 6+ months…

Jn has not come back and declared that he is cured or posted a recovery. Just keep that in mind…

Sorry being on TRT is NOT being cured by any means…

How are you now? I’m suffering fatigue too since one year. Any advice? Improvements?