Adjusting levels in the cerebrospinal fluid

My question is why don’t the scientist adjust those hormones in the cerebrospinal fluid with artificial hormones ? Maybe a stupid question but really would like to know about it .

Yeah we are no where near doctors trying this on us. Investigating allopregnanolone is the hot research topic right now as they are learning brain changes fuck people up. I think our doctors all missed that day of med school. As for replacement some of these neurosteroids easily cross the BBB and would effect cns levels, others Im not sure they would. And as obvious as it is to me that our problems are 100% neurological, the studies havebt proven anything yet. It actually could be leaky gut at this point. Still anyone’s guess.

Medications do not currently exist that would do that kind of thing unfortunately. I’m also not sure how it easy it would be to affect the CSF rather than just the bloodstream.