adiol g values

got some labs today finally

old protocol:

15 mg hydrocortison

total t 15.8 scale 8-35
adiol g 10.52 scale 2.13-50.27
dht 1.13 scale 0.86-3.44

new protocol since january 1st 2010:

1 g testogel 10%
90 mg armour
20 mg hydrocortison

total t 8
adiol g 9.8
dht 2.53

Have to increase testogel to 2 grams, can apply twice daily. Asked for HCG 250 ius 2x a week and got it.

Doc wants to later on use finasteride in low dosage to block conversion to dht. I asked if i could do this later on while on above protocol, because i don’t want it.

Retest in 4 weeks. There you have it. Low adiol g.

Will try to write more. My gut is fucked up by candida, toxic overload and bad liver. Have to increase HC to 25 mg and Armour to 150-180 mg.

December 2009

Old Protocol

On hydrocortisone 15 mg / dhea 30 mg every other day

Iron 31.3 scale 14-36
Total Iron binding capacity 53.6 scale 45-95
Iron binding capacity 22.3 scale 20-58.7
Fe saturation 58 scale 20-60
Ferritin 197 scale 20-350
Homocysteine total 8.4 scale 4.5-12.4
Crp-hs 0.2 scale 0-1
Coq10 0.8 scale 0.6-1.2

Essential fatty acids omega 3
ALA 0.14 scale 0.1-0.4
ETA 0.02 scale 0-0.1
EPA 0.79 scale 0.6-1.7
DHA 6.72 scale 4-9.4

Essential fatty acids omega 6
LA 12.39 scale 10.6-16
GLA 0.06 scale 0.1-0.3
EDA 0.3 scale 0.0-0.3
DGLA 1.91 scale 1.2-2.2
AA 18.56 scale 14.2-19.2
DTA 4.3 scale 1.6-4.4
Ratio AA/EPA 23 scale <15

Essential fatty acids omega 9
TEA 0.05 scale 0.0-0.6
COA 15.89 scale 14.2-19.8
EIA 0.29 scale 0.0-0.4
EUA 0.04 scale 0.0-0.1
NA 0.05 scale 0.0-0.9
Saturated fatty acids
PA 20.9 scale 17.2-25.6
SA 17.49 scale 15.4-20.2

Candida IgA 19.0 scale <12.5
Candida IgG 6.0 scale <12.5
Candida IgM 2.1 scale <12.5
Gliadin IgG <0.2 scale 0.0-4.5
Gliadin IgA 1.2 scale 0.0-2.0

Tumor markers
Alfa-foetoprotein 4 scale 0-11
CA-125 7.2 scale 0.0-35
CA-19-9 10 scale 0-37
CEA 2.2 scale 0.0-3.0
PSA 0.46 scale 0.0-3.0
PSA free 0.3 scale 0.0-0.42

Transcortin 56 scale 23-83
Igf1 29.3 scale 10-75
Igfbp3 154 scale 101-271
DHEA-sulphate 12.6 scale 0.94-11.7
LH 3.6 scale 1.2-7.4
FSH 4.1 scale 2.8-55.5
Progesterone 1.07 scale 0.64-79.6
Prolactin 114 scale 50-350
Estradiol 139 scale 10-210
Anti thyroglobulin <20 scale 0.0-34
FT3 4.3 scale 4-7.85
FT4 15.4 scale 10.3-24.5
TSH 2.57 scale 0.4-4.0
Testosterone total 15.8 scale 8-35
SHBG 19 scale 13-55
Testosterone free 0.44 scale 0.24-1.04
DHT 1.13 scale 0.86-3.44
ADIOL G 10.52 scale 2.13-50.27

Urine 24 hour
Mercury 0.2 scale 0.0-7.5
Iodine 274 scale 200-2000

Toxic chemicals
PCBs 7 scale 0-4
Benzene 113 scale 0-140
Methylbenzene 89 scale 0-84
Isopropyl-aceton 201 scale 0-194
Pentane 153 scale 0-110
Perchloride ethylene 63 scale 0-50
Difluorbenzamide <0.01 scale <0.01
CH 3-B-Napthalene <0.01 scale <0.01
Hexane 16.4 scale 0.0-7.9
Xylene 4.3 scale 0.0-2.9

Endocrinology in urine 24 hour
6-sulfatoxymelatonine 7.8 scale 1.3-16.8


January 2010 after four weeks on below protocol

Testogel 10% 1 gram
90 mg Armour
20 mg Hydrocortisone

Estradiol 76 scale 10-210
Testosterone total 8.84 scale 8-35
SHBG 22 scale 13-55
Testosterone free 0.22 scale 0.24-1.04
DHT 2.53 scale 0.86-3.44
ADIOL G 9.8 scale 2.13-50.27

Please discuss

How do you feel?

Im personally interested in how you felt when starting hc, changes etc?

Your T is obviously low, lower than before ading testosterone so what does your doc think of this? At 15 rane 8-30ish i would think twice about treating it before. Esp if your not feeling any benefits from the Tgel.

Your 3adiol isent that low. Its not on top but in here we are use to beeing at the lower end of scale .)

Is that progesterone range accurate? 1-79,6 ?

i feel reasonable… actually i look better than before (less dark circles) but can’t for the love of god get an erection, failed CRAZY last wednesday it would stay up a second or two / three and then BAM DEAD

Starting HC: blood pressure went from always low to good 120/80 which it remains now, it made me feel somewhat normal, not energetic but definitely helped a lot!

I have somewhat of a normal erection on 15, but my free test is low and estradiol a bit high, therefore i am not 100% hard and don’t have the libido to back it up. I also have little beard hair and feel like a wimp on that level. I once had a good erection without any help whatsoever after starting hc/dhea, my free test was way up at that point, later on i got higher estradiol which killed the fun. Still no morning erections at that point, i need higher total T.

I started thyroid and this has helped a bit for my dark circles and appetite. Temps also a bit up, i need to increase.

Adiol G is another range than i see here. 10 compared to 50 is low in my book.

Progesterone is accurate, yes.

I am instructed to do the following:

  • Increase testogel to twice a day so 2 grams
  • Increase armour thyroid to 180 mg
  • add 5 mg HC to make total of 25 mg
  • pregnyl HCG to keep balls fit, extra hormones, aestetics and fertility

metagenics advaclear for liver detox
metagenics eskimo 3 for omega 3
aov max gla for gla
lugol’s 5 drops daily for iodine
metagenics candibactin for candida
metagenics probactiol live probiotics for candida store in fridge

doc also wants to start up finasteride because he thinks conversion to dht is too fast and he studied under hertoghe. i managed to complain about this and avoid it until next labs

With all due respect, this is ridiculous. Why would the doc re-prescribe Finasteride when Fin is what brought you to him in the first place? Did you even tell him about your past usage of Finasteride and why you are having the problems you are?

I wouldn’t touch Fin again if I were you, otherwise there is no point in trying treatments. Same goes for this doc’s advice… suggestions like that would make me extremely wary.

Sounds like he is just trying to throw the kitchen sink at you, including “candida”, to sell you supplements and drugs.

mew im sorry i didnt mention it, but i never touched fin

ive just had unexplainable ED for the past 8 years

EDIT: hes not trying to sell supps since he allows me to find cheaper sources where i can buy the same stuff except cheaper, and he makes more money doing plastic surgery… he studied under thierry hertoghe who also uses finasteride, so perhaps with testosterone these effects get cancelled out, not sure though

Im not gonna say that its a good idea even if he finasteride had been the cause for the op. But have you never thought that perhaps going back on fin might be beneficial or atleast lowering dht might be beneficial?

I got back my first dht reading ever today actually. Out of range high but i dont think it really is indicative of anything as most ppl here and my doctor says its pretty much a useless test :confused:

No offense but if you never took Finasteride, why are you on this specific FINASTERIDE-RELATED forum??

There are many, MANY other sexual dysfunction forums on the net that are NOT Finasteride-related, which would likely be better suited to your issues and concerns. This forum is specifically for men who took Fin, and secondarily for those who took a 5AR inhibitor in general.

Really, this is exactly the type of situation I am concerned about – this forum becoming a dumping ground for people who’s problems aren’t even Finasteride related, diluting the membership and case studies of this site.

No, never. Inhibiting 5AR is just a bad idea, based on everything we’ve learnt and know now.

Second, elevated DHT in serum could be a result of 5AR1. Adiol-G is purportedly a better marker of intracellular 5AR2 activity. Taking Finasteride to surpress elevated DHT is not a good idea, period.

Finasteride obviously does a good job destroying 5 AR II activity which is responsible for sexual functioning it seems.

no offense back, but im at multiple sites with specifically a site regarding ED but the issue of low adiol G is never talked about and since my doc wants to prescribe it i came to this site

i believe it helps when multiple people come together

you never know when someone with valuable insights might provide you with the missing clue, not saying that im that one person, but it helps to share knowledge

anyway i believed it to be helpful to post my adiol g readings since that seems to be a recurring theme here

of course if you think this is not relevant i will go back into lurking mode


It’s ok friend. Your input is appreciated. You have low 3-adiol g value and this could be the missing piece of the puzzle.

can someone explain why i have high dht but low adiol g in this reading?

i know i am on a low dose of gel but my concern is prostate issues… high dht but low adiol g -> no prostate issues or?

I know nothing of 3-adiol g values.

The reason for possible high dht / estradiol on gels are that there are alot of enzymes to convert the T in the skin to dht / estradiol.

If the dht conversion took place in the skin would that effect 3-adiol values? i have a vague memory reading about it only applying to certain organs or similar? If so maybe 3-adiol is lowered on gel cause of allrdy big conversion in the skin or elsewhere in the body?

The answer is this…

DHT can be located in 2 places

5 AR I receptor

5 AR II receptor

Finasteride blocks 5 AR II, you may have high DHT because most of it is produce in 5 AR I. 5 AR II is located in the seminal vesciles, prostate, testicles, and brain. It’s imperative for sexual functioning.

old protocol: testogel 1 gram daily without hcg

total testosterone 8.84 range 8-35
shbg 22 range 13-55
free test 0.22 range 0.24-1.04
dht 2.53 range 0.86-3.44
adiol-g 9.80 range 2.13-50.27
estradiol 76 range 10-210

new protocol: 3 grams testogel 2x250 iu hcg weekly 3 grains armour 20 mg HC

total testosterone 40.10 range 8-35
shbg 26 range 13-55
free test 1.14 range 0.24-1.04
dht 7 range 0.86-3.44
adiol-g 34.4 range 2.13-50.27
estradiol 203 range 10-210
t3 1.47 range 1.3-2.7
ft3 5.27 range 4-7.85
ft4 18.3 range 10.3-24.5
tsh <0.01 range 0.4-4.0

ft3 used to always be 4, 4.3, or even below reference range

it has gone up quite a bit, but still total t3 is low

adiol-g has risen dramatically from hcg purely i guess, as well as testosterone… i believe the gel hasn’t had much effect on this because i’ve been on this gel for four weeks only now and feel tired/crap/no wood, while with the hcg i still felt somewhat decent but still no wood

going with arimidex on doc’s orders 3 x .25 mg weekly
starting with 2 x .25 for 2 weeks and see if wood improves, if not 3 x .25 mg and if not 2 x .5 mg weekly, along with my hcg 250 ius and also 40 mg testosteron enanthate twice weekly

yesterday had unaided sex but a lot of precum flooding and so so erection but i could manage and finished fast

only 1 hcg shot after stopping testogel and .25 mg arimidex

i took another .25 mg this morning and am already peeing better, feel better, and just masturbated and had less precum and lasted much longer than usual with this

gonna try with my girl to see how it functions next week

took another hcg shot couple minutes ago

will be doing monday/thursday, 3 x .25 mg arimidex and if still to low will increase to 2 x .5 mg

testosterone arriving next week

Your adiol-g rose a ton. Are you feeling better?

This user never took Finasteride, the root cause of his issues do not apply to ours.

ah - thanks.