Accutane: The same side effects like finasteride, sp and dutasteride

This is just anecdotal, but one of my friends has been extremely lethargic since high school. He’s close to 30, never had a girlfriend, still a virgin, doesn’t care about anything, just sort of coasts through life. After I started bitching about propecia he told me he took accutane as a freshman.

Now it all makes sense! I’ve never had a friend so apathetic about sex and girls…except for me after finasteride…

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Fkthesedrugs - where did you find the post about pezzi treating accutaine sufferers with fin?

it’s in his science of sex book, i can send you the book if you’d like, there’s some other stuff in there to

i find the concept of “re sensitizing” the body to androgens fascinating by lowering the amount of androgens present in the body with another anti-androgen - though scary as hell… curious to see what he would say to us finasteride sufferers… and if he has used finasteride more then once to assist a accutane person.

he is definetly onto something…why don’t all these doctors that have some experience with this colloborate together and come up with treatments?

"Unless your dihydrotestosterone (DHT) level is already very low, you may be wasting your time and money unless you precede the DHT treatment phase with a DHT “starvation” phase by using a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor such as finasteride (Proscar® and Propecia®) to partially block the conversion of testosterone to DHT and thereby increase your subsequent sensitivity to DHT. The primary reason why penis size stagnates in adult men is not because they don’t have DHT (most already have plenty), but because their androgen receptors are functionally desensitized to it (by “functionally desensitized,” I mean the lack of sensitivity could lie with the receptor or its interaction with DNA). Once you rebound from the DHT starvation phase (i.e., once you discontinue the 5-alpha reductase inhibitor), you may not even need supplemental DHT. This isn’t theoretical speculation—I’ve done it and can speak from experience (see my “DHT diary” earlier in the book). You may wish to use DHT:

►To prolong the penile growth phase that accompanies the DHT rebound phase (my rebound phase lasted about three weeks). In my case, I would not have begun using supplemental DHT until the fourth week. Prior to that time, my endogenous DHT was sufficient.

►To increase your response in the early DHT rebound phase if your endogenous DHT isn’t adequate.

As a rule when using supplemental hormones, use the least amount that produces the desired effect. People differ in their response to hormones, so I cannot tell you that you would need “x” number of milligrams per day to achieve a certain effect, whether that effect is increasing penis size or bench pressing 300 pounds. You might think that “more is better” and “it couldn’t hurt” in the case of deciding whether to use supplemental DHT in the early DHT rebound phase. I do not agree. If you’ve read the analogies I used in this book, you know that hormones do not produce effects by themselves; they are just signals that certain effects are needed. Remember my foreman/factory analogy in which the foreman represented the hormone and the factory represented the cellular machinery that produced the proteins? Keep that in mind and consider this: if the factory is already working at full speed, it does not do any good for the foreman to shout, “Work faster!” If your penile cells are growing at maximal speed, adding more DHT will not accelerate their growth and may even hurt it long-term by reducing receptor sensitivity. Hence, it pays to be judicious in deciding whether you should use DHT and, if so, determining its dose and timing. One thing is clear: your receptor sensitivity will decrease in time (mine did after three wondrous weeks). At that time, you can use supplemental DHT with less concern over its impact on receptor sensitivity. Had I used supplemental DHT, here is how I would have done it:
Week #1: No supplemental DHT.
Week #2: No supplemental DHT.
Week #3: No supplemental DHT.
Week #4: Use supplemental DHT.
Week #5: Use more supplemental DHT than I used last week.
Week #6: Use even more supplemental DHT than I used last week.

In advance, I would not know how much supplemental DHT to use. I would determine the correct amount not by thinking of it in terms of milligrams, but in terms of assessing its response. I already had a good baseline during those first three weeks for judging what maximal (I think) penile growth was like. In weeks #4 through 6 (or even longer), I would use just enough DHT to maintain growth. I would not try to maintain growth at the phenomenal rate I experienced the first three weeks. Why not? Receptor sensitivity375 is bound to decline, and if you use enough DHT in an attempt to maintain the initial rate of growth, you may reduce receptor sensitivity even more. If you err on the side of using too little DHT you may grow at a slower speed, but you will likely retain the capacity to grow for a longer time."

Interesting… But obviouly we are “overly” desensitized compared to the average person - curious how he’d treat one of our cases

That’s strange because I went on Accutane for 6 months when I was 19.

I made a full recovery and Accutane did a great job of clearing up my acne. However, it eventually returned after about 6 months to year of use. Which is very similar to what propecia did, but Fin was 100 times worse. However after over 4 months off Fin, I notice some acne is returning.

And unlike Accutane which my body recovered naturally, I have to take thyroid medicine to recover from Fin.

last week I took 1 pill of aisosking (10 mg) (accutane) and lost all improvements achieved in the last months with hard training and healthy lifestyle. I’ve lost a lot of sensibility and i’m back to an hard ED condition

i’m not sure but I may ask him about this … tane-trial

Let us know what he says if you ask - I’m especially interested since people on here have taken fin and accutane…

This guy might be on to something. i dident post here for a loong time …
my problem was that i had ed problem caused by roacutane( age 16), and a hairloss problem that started in my early 20.
knowing i am in a place with ariguably two of the worst problems a man could have, and no answer to niehter, i decided to give propecia a chance about 5 months ago - which is the main reason i dident post here , feeling bad i am taking this horrible drug but i had to give it a shot on my hair problem, knowing again that i have no sex life at all pretty much.
after 3 months with it , i decided i cant give propecia a chance to clear my slight chance of ever recovering from my ed problem i stoped… i have to say, 4 days after i stoped, i started having my spontanous erections back, morning ererctions also came back to me, wanting sex like every 24 year old should have came back also. i almost feel as normal … thinking it just might be temporary i dident do much . but hey… i think i am almost back as any normal guy (allthough i cant really recall how that is after 7 years feelin g nothing and having no idea i have a problem untilll runing in into this forum )
well , right now i figured ill check on into stuff aroun, and came across this thread… i thought of posting my last experiince though it might help others, i hope i am good as normal, not sure! if my experince could help cure you guyss, we might be on to something here… hope again that all of you will cure from your problems.

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So if anyone has the “balls for it” resensitizing could be achieved by starting on a low dose of fin say 10mg and upping by a small amount say 5mg every few days until you feel something…what? of course i dont know. Then tapper off at an extremely slow rate

So it could look something like this

10mcg one week
15mcg one week
20mcg one week
20 mcg 1 week
15mcg one week
10mcg one week
5mcg one week(to be safe)

Any volunteers :smiley:

youve still got a box right?

im seeing some more doctors and giving my body a little more time. Then golf, i will try.

i wasnt really suggesting you do so. at least without bringing this concept up to a neurologist/endocrinologist. internet sarcasm.

Someone should bring it up with shippen or one of the doctors who has dealt with it alot…

hey guys I posted this in member stories but I felt its highly related to accutane since its what I 99% think is my problem.


Hey Goldenw,

I know this post was a long time ago, thought it was worth asking if you still consider yourself recovered?

Not sure. I am 28 today, and really can’t say for sure if I am cured or not.
I am still having problems with my erection, but never am sure if its something psychological or physical.
I am sure many people are struggling with that thought.

Are you experiencing similar side effects from Acccutane?