Accutane study, mhra report , mutagenesis, isotretinoin versus tretinoin, et

first time since the marketing of isotretinoin in 1984, MHRA official report scientific studies detailing the complex biochemical mechanisms of this molecule, proof being the
urgent need for new new studies in-depth basic research.

#Isotretinoin Declaration of mutagenesis; a future must

State of the knowledge about the side effects of Roaccutane(#isotretinoin): review of the scientific literature
-Authors : many contributors, past, present, and future,
-Year : since 2005, to complete, correct, and enrich…

Comparative analysis between
Tretinoin (anti-cancer)
and Isotretinoin (anti-acne)
Authors: numerous contributors, from the past, present and future,
Open source
(extract and provisional version)
Year: 2020

French-health-authority-letter-ANSM 1 month before MHRA report, answer :
elliptical speech, less courageous than the MHRA, the #ANSM