Guys im cutting this short. Today i thought clearly about my life and body and when i follow this simple logic, i realized i had permanent damage to my penis growth.
I was 16> my body needed it’s proper androgen levels and they were even going to be elevated and peak at the age of 20 for proper development of penis and height etc> i took Accutane> mildly crashed> lowered my 16 year old baseline> my androgens never got more high as all my other friends and people did> my penis development is stuck at the age of 16 as well as my other charactheristics.
Even if i recover and cure my shrinked penis and get my 16 year old penis back, i will never get my potential penis due to Accutane. Not even my baseline androgens lowered but i also missed the potential increase in my androgens when i took the drug, which would add few inches to my penis size…
please somebody help me to understand the reality and science behind this thinking. Im dying inside, thanks. If my genes allow and if i recover, is it possible to experience a second puberty and increase in size?