Accusing people of having mental illness if they say they have side effects

I was considering hair restoration when ads followed me around Facebook. I joined a group. Information I found online suggests it’s a tremendous risk having a hair transplant if you don’t take Propecia.
I tried a generic brand of this which caused my labido to drop to zero, headaches and depression. This was the only drug I was on so I know nothing else was the cause. I gave up after 2 months of usage and thankfully I seem to be normal again.

I’ve sort of given up on a hair transplant now. I just crop my hair short.

I do keep track of side effect symptoms online Incase I have caused long term damage to my body.

I still look at other peoples hair transplants with sine envy if I’m honest. I’d prefer to have hair but not prepared to accept the risks.

I have been reading this site for some time now, keeping informed of any developments.

My point being of this post is there are some dangerous I’ll informed wanbabee hair loss experts out there who advocate this drug. People listen to their advice assuming they are knowledgable when in fact they are fools masquerading as experts.

One such post by a youtuber caught my attention because he was saying anyone who claims to suffer side effects has mental illness.

Is he medically qualified to make these claims?

What is his objective? He is trying to make a name for himself in the hair loss industry. Reading through his comments it soon becomes obvious he does not know what he talks about. Another expert who reads online articles and then repeats to the gullible.

I did manage to capture his comments saying we are mental.
I would advise anyone not to listen to idiots like this man.

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We should find out where he lives and kick the shit out of him after sticking a few fin pills in his fat mouth and soaping his head with minoxidil. For good measure we could stick a plaque around his neck saying, thump me hard if you think I’m a wanker. He’d maybe consider engaging his brain before his mouth going forward. Obviously I’m not advocating this, it’s just that these ignorant fucks annoy me so much, it’s bordering on criminal.


He is an idiot trying to make a name for himself. Look at his YouTube channel mr rolandas or something to see what I mean.
Talking about stuff he has no idea about, it usually consists of him copying someone else,

So we all have mental problems. Nice guy.

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What’s worse are the doctors who are unqualified to make mental-health diagnoses making claims that persistent sides are some sort of shared mass delusion. Tell that to the people who had no clue what was in store when this condition hit them.

At least in the past 5 years, PFS, PAS, and PSSD, have become so widely discussed that no one has to suffer their “delusions” alone.


Doctors and finasteride-lovers continue to cite the flawed studies where literally everyone completed the multi-year trials. This is such a stupid way to determining how dangerous the drug is, because they already filtered out the people who got sides and dropped out. If you check the member stories section, 90% of the people took the drug for days or weeks, not years.

Someone who is allergic to a substance gets bad reactions after just a tiny dose. If you are lactose intolerant, you only need a little bit of milk to have large diarrhea. This is like doing a study on lactose intolerance on people who drank milk for 5 years and omitting everyone who had diarrhea and then coming to the conclusion that lactose intolerance doesn’t exist, because none of the people who completed the 5-year study had diarrhea. It is sheer stupidity.


Agreed on all the above points.
This guy however actively tells people propecia is ok and attacking anyone who says it not. He trolls everywhere posting his wannabe expert videos.

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