Aaron702's story

I was just introduced to your site today by my concerned mother. I have been on Propecia for almost 1 year to the day after having hair transplant surgery at the end of November last year.

I figured it was the perfect time for the surgery since I had quit my Job and would need a couple of months off to wear hats and “trick” people into somehow thinking that my hair was magically growing back (I had a full head of hair grafted).

Anyways. a few months later i found myself feeling rather depressed and noticed myself gaining weight rather quickly, my sex drive was a little low, but I attributed that to having two small kids at home, and my wife was in mommy mode most of the time anyways, so I really didn’t notice it too much.

Then I started noticing this severe back pain and started finding it difficult to get out of bed in the morning. Well I was 34 now so I guess that’s just middle agedness catching up with me, right? Well my wife thought maybe I was due for a physical since I hadn’t seen a doctor in quite a few years so I decided that maybe I should do as she said and go get checked out. Unfortunately, living in Las Vegas, the odds of hitting a royal flush are better than finding a good doctor out here on the first shot. Don’t get me wrong.

There are good doctors out here. You just have to find really sick people, and then see them get better, and then find out who their doctor is. Then you have to see if they take your insurance.

Anyways, I found a stellar doctor. He ordered up a full blood work up including Testosterone and DHEA, because he was a (self Professed) forward thinker. Basically he was a great salesman I unfortunately believed in all of the stuff he was saying.

My Testosterone back in June was 346. Not horrible, but still a low enough to get someone who was gaining weight uncontrollably even while dieting, and seriously depressed to pay $275.00 for a bottle of Testosterone. He said I would also probably begin to feel a little better when my energy levels came back up, but a little Prozac would give me a boost too.

I ASKED HIM POINT BLANK IF LOW TESTOSTERONE COULD BE A SIDE EFFECT OF THE PROPECIA AND HE SAID “NO”!!! I put myself in his hands and put on 22 more pounds of pure muscle from the effects of 1cc of Testosterone a week and then a cut back to .5cc of Testosterone a week. Unfortunately they missed my 700 mark and my testosterone level hit somewhere around 1150. at this point most of my family called me THE HULK.

I wasn’t working out , but for the hell of it I went to the community gym and grabbed a 55 lb dumbell (my son weighs 53 lbs, and I had been lifting him pretty easily with 1 hand) and curled it 12 times and put it down and what the heck the other arm, and then 10 more times each arm again. It was like a scene out of Unbreakable. Anyways, The Dr. took me off of testosterone. —

This is where the trouble begins—
About a month later I am participating in strenuous activity, OK let me rephrase that. I WAS HAVING SEX!

I’ll back up a little bit. About a month into the testosterone thing…STRONG LIKE BULL, LONG LIKE BULL, HARD LIKE BULL. Only problem for me is that it could take sometimes over 20 minutes for ME to climax.

Shouldn’t be that big of a deal but, I was now up to 270 and honestly had to really thrust to climax. i.e. treadmill level 12 for 18 minutes with level 20 for the last 2. — So I’m participating in this strenuous activity about a month off of the testosterone and my head starts throbbing, I start turning pale, my wife thinks I’m having a heart attack. Etc.

I call off the ambulance and rest a little, but don’t feel well for the rest of the day. The next day I feel a little better, but still “fuzzy” in the head. The word I’ve been using for over 45 days now. The next day is Monday. I don’t feel good when I wake up so I rest a while longer in bed.

I have that “fuzzy” feeling, and find myself walking into rooms and not knowing why I’m in there, and sometimes not even recognizing the room at all briefly. “Did I have a stroke or something?” “Nah” I got dressed and went to my office. I felt like dog $#@% but needed to do a few things. I was looking at my computer and I was getting faint and everything was kind of pinkish, purplish.

I felt like I was going to pass out and then felt a little Nauseous. I figured out then that I just had the flu. It all made sense…for about another two hours. I felt like i had it together enough to go home so i called my wife and asked her if she wanted me to pick up the kids.

By now it was around 5 and this would save her a bit of time. Problem now was when I got into my car and started driving I started getting a little dizzy and had this rush of blood to my face type feeling that was accompanied by a quickly pounding headache that could be heard in my ears just like the other day, however minus the “strenuous activity”.

I decided to go to the pharmacy to take my blood pressure. I had never really had a blood pressure issue before, however on my last doctors visit it was 145 over 93 or something around there which was enough to concern me since mine had always been around 120 over 80 my whole life. I thought that there had to be something like that to be causing a headache like that.

It came in at 163 over 93 and the chart said that that was “high” blood pressure, so I called my doctors office and the nurse said that the Dr. suggests that I go to the hospital. Jerk probably didn’t want his supper to get cold. I called my wife to give her a heads up and reluctantly went to the hospital.

I guess I looked as bad as i felt because i was lucky enough to bi-pass the other 15 or so people waiting and go straight into the back in about 30 seconds. I had iv, oxygen, ekg, blood work, etc. done in about 15 minutes and was being admitted in about 2 hours. For what though??? Observation, Heart attack, Blood pressure, Headache, Pale skin, What???

I was embarrassed to be there. I felt like maybe I over-reacted and I still only had a flu bug or something. That was shot down the next morning.
I woke up and my head still hurt, I was told that I was doing a stress test on a treadmill in a couple of hours and I was concerned because i had gotten up to got to the bathroom earlier and my head would pound with every step that I took. They needed it so I had to do it. OK. No real choice.

I got on the tread mill and they put a slight incline on it and I was walking at a slightly elevated pace. My head went from a level 3 headache (scale from 1 to 10- 10 being worst) to a 12 in just under 3 minutes. My pulse was about 150 and my blood pressure shot to 212 over 96 (For those of you that don’t know, that would be cardiac arrest range). One of the Nurses’s Pulled me onto a Gurnee as I said I was passing out.

The next day they did the same test without the treadmill using the medication to raise my pulse and I had the same result only they were able to get my pulse up a little bit higher. I have been unable to work since as I cannot recover. My head is constantly cloudy and I have constant headaches.

I have short term memory loss and now no testosterone (217) I am chronically depressed, have no ambition (except to get better now) am recluse, have gained over 50 lbs, have lost sex drive again and have abdominal pain at bottom ribs on both sides. I had sever back and hip/pelvis pain, but somehow that seems to have subsided for the moment, maybe with the headache medication.

I have 4 Doctors. A new Internal medicine doctor, a Cardiologist, a neurologist, an Endocrinologist, and nobody really knows what to do. They ALL know that I am on Propecia and no one says anything. The treatment I am getting now is Testosterone Gel (low dose daily from my Endocrinologist and I am on Topomax 75mg a day to control the headaches. I feel like my life is over.

I read 1 entry only from “Matis” and began to sob as it explained my pain for the first time. I need to quit this immediately and would have if I had ever known anything about this. I feel like this drug took away my life.

The Propecia Website says nothing about these symptoms. They should be closed down. I am not sure if I am posting correctly or if I have filled in my info properly so please anyone who can help me navigate to other areas of this site with other helpful info or who has additional comments about this please email me at innovate702@cox.net.




  1. How did you find this forum? My Mother sent me the link

  2. What is your current age, height, weight? 35, 6 ft 270

  3. Do you excercise regularly? If so, what type of excercise? No, Can’t exercise at all currently

  4. What type of diet do you eat (vegetarian, meat eater, raw, fast-food/organic healthy)? Met eater, fast food. Normal every day somewhat healthy.

  5. Why did you take Finasteride (hair loss, BPH, other)? Hair Loss, Transplant

  6. For how long did you take Finasteride (weeks/months/years)? 1 year

  7. How old were you when you started Finasteride? 34

  8. How old were you when you quit? Have not quit

  9. How did you quit (cold turkey or taper off)? na

  10. What type of Finasteride did you use – Propecia, Proscar, Fincar or other generic? Propecia

  11. What dose did you take (eg. 1 mg/day, 1 mg every other day etc.)? 1 mg/day

  12. How long into your use of Finasteride did you notice the onset of side effects? 3 to 4 months I guess

  13. What side effects did you experience while on the drug that have yet to resolve since discontinuation? Have not discontinued since I did not attribute them to the drug, will meet with my doctor tomorrow to set up a plan to remove it from my system. These are the side effects I have to date.

Put an X beside all that apply:

[x ] Loss of Libido / Sex Drive
[ x] Erectile Dysfunction
[ ] Complete Impotence
[ x] Loss of Morning Erections
[ x] Loss of Spontaneous Erections
[ ] Loss of Nocturnal Erections
[ ] Watery Ejaculate
[ ] Reduced Ejaculate
[ x] Inability to Ejaculate / Orgasm Difficulty I was attributing this to Testosterone use
[ ] Reduced Sperm Count / Motility

[ x] Emotional Blunting / Emotionally Flat
[ xxxxxxx] Difficulty Focusing / Concentrating
[ xxxxxxx] Confusion
[xxxxxxx ] Memory Loss / Forgetfullness
[ xxxxxxxx] Stumbling over Words / Losing Train of Thought
[xxxxxxxx ] Slurring of Speech
[ xxxxxxxxx] Lack of Motivation / Feeling Passive / Complacency
[ xxxxxxxxx] Extreme Anxiety / Panic Attacks
[xxxxxxxxx ] Depression / Melancholy

[ ] Penile Tissue Changes (narrowing, shrinkage, wrinkled)
[ ] Penis curvature / rotation on axis
[ ] Testicular Pain
[ xxxxxxx] Testicular Shrinkage / Loss of Fullness Again I attributed this to testosterone use
[ ] Genital numbness / sensitivity decrease
[ xxxxxxxxxx] Weight Gain before and after Testosterone supplement
[x ] Gynecomastia (male breasts)
[ x] Muscle Wastage
[x ] Muscle Weakness
[ x] Joint Pain
[ x] Dry / Dark Circles under eyes

[ ] Prostate pain
[ x] Persistent Fatigue / Exhaustion
[ x] Stomach Pains / Digestion Problems
[ x] Constipation / “Poo Pellets”
[ x] Vision - Acuity Decrease / Blurriness
[ ] Increased hair loss
[ x] Frequent urination
[ x] Lowered body temperature 96.9 to 97.1 is my standard temp

[ xxx] Other (please explain)
[xxxx] Sweating Profusely even indoors in air conditioning
[XXX***XXX] Extreme and constant headaches

  1. What (if any) treatments have you undertaken to recover from your side effects since discontinuation of the drug? na

  2. If you have pre or post-Finasteride bloodtests, what hormonal changes have you encountered since discontinuing the drug (pls post your test results in the “Blood Tests” section and link to them in your post)? ba

  3. Anything not listed in the above questions you’d like to share about your experience with Finasteride?

  4. Tell us your story, in your own words, about your Finasteride usage and side effects experienced while on/off the drug.

I Posted for the first time yesterday. My mom forwarded me to this site as something almost killed me about 45 days ago. I screwed up so I posted in 2 spots so the post with all of my “symptoms” somehow disappeared. But i can assure you I lit up the board like a Christmas tree. I noticed there were links to doctors to contact on the site, but I can’t find them now for some reason. Does anyone know where that was or who they were? I went to my endocrinologist this morning who was himself stumped last week, after doing a full pituitary work up, as to how a 35 year old male could have a T level of 217 with no “real” reason. I was in the hospital for 3 days and have over 30k in hospital bills for the stay and tests, but they are clueles as to what happened. Anyways, when I showed him the data, he just blew it off. I just gave him a viable reason for the low T and he (No BS) quoted me the “possible side effects” from the Propecia website. I’m having a real hard time with this. A year ago I was a successful business man opening my own company. I had everything that I ever wanted. The Wife, Kids, House(s), Cars, Toys, and the Money to support it all. I still have most of it still (Minus a few toys) but i am just a few months away from losing all of the material stuff due to not being able to concentrate and move my business forward any longer, and guys…It’s barely even phasing me. I don’t care about anything the way I used to. I have no pride or ego anymore. I am in a constant haze with a constant headache. I still love my family, but feel like the least important person on the planet. The only thing that is getting me through the day is the thought that this might end soon. My Dr. said to quit Propecia cold turkey if I felt the need to because it didn’t matter. I need someone to give me advice on this. Bad medical advice nearly killed me last month. I am afraid of worsening effects if I quit the wrong way.Please grant me any advice you have to share.

Aaron, your 2nd post didnt disappear, I merged it with your original story.

To see the Doctors section you need to LOGIN.

Also a suggestion: use paragraphs to break up your text to make it easier to read and on the eyes.

Regarding quitting, read the FAQ at top of this forum. Suggest you get bloodtests before you come off Finasteride and then once again after you come off.

As for medical evidence to present to doctors, that’s what the Finasteride Studies section of this site is for. Do some reading there and throughout this site, most likely any questions you’re thinking of have been answered by others already.

Since you’re STILL on Finasteride, I would hope and guess you will probably recover from the current side effects you are experiencing after you quit.

Most men do, but there are a small percentage out there who do not. That’s what this website is for – those who do not recover after coming off the drug.


Regarding propeciahelp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=986

There’s a book called “living well with Hypothyroidism” that might help you out a little too. I had a kiniesiologist have me look into it a few years back and got me feeling pretty good by eating a diet rich in seafood or “iodine rich” foods. He also had me taking iodine drops for about a month.

Tasted nasty at first, but had almost no flavor at all by the time I was feeling better. It helped a lot at the time. I never really seemed to have the same problems since so I’m not sure if it truly was hypothyroidism or if he got me kick-started back toward healthy. I did have my Internal Med Dr order blood work and my levels were low but within range. Anyways. I thought the book may help you out.

I apologize for piggybacking off of your subject, but it seems as though you guys are the only ones discussing anything right now really.

Mew, thanks for your help cleaning up my post. I wanted to let you know a few of the reasons for my concerns and ask you a few more questions if you don’t mind.

I wanted to let you know that I saw a Diagnostician out here in Las Vegas this morning who is weaning me off at half dose over the next 5 days, He states that he IS aware of some of the additional side effects, and then took all of the literature that I printed out for him so that he can “read up” more on it and take a look at your site.

He spent about a half hour with me going over the symptoms and I finally felt like I had a Dr that was willing to listen and theorize a little.

I have some more questions for you so I can converse with him better. And yes, I unfortunately have at least one irreversible issue. Is it linked to Propecia? That’s what I’m here to find out? If you or anyone can help I would appreciate it.
Here goes……
Are there many people with issue of moderate to severe Headaches that you know of?

Have you heard of people with severe abdominal pain? Not like stomach pain, more like torn muscle pain or sometimes bleeding, burning and itching pain. Directly under the bottom ribs on both sides. I can’t even really describe it. I read about the whole leaky gut thing on your site , but have no idea what that really means.

How many guys do you know to have extreme low T levels like mine (217) that are taking testosterone supplement?

Is it preferred to inject Testosterone or use Gels? Have you heard of people complaining of side effects from the testosterone?

Have you heard of any cases of high blood pressure? I had never had high blood pressure in my life until about 45 days ago. Now I’m not allowed to work or do anything that may “cause stress” on my body. I’ll see my Cardiologist on Monday for my follow up visit and this may change.

When they did an ultra sound on my heart it was enlarged. That would be a permanent issue no matter what. It is caused by blood pressure per my cardiologist. Since I never had high blood pressure before, and it was never enlarged before,(I have mitral valve prolapse so it has been checked out a few times over past years to ensure that it is always ok and there has never been an enlargement of the heart) then I would have to assume that this is a recent issue and “could” be propecia related.

If I’m getting this right, and I may not be because it’s pretty confusing stuff, per my new Dr. The Use of Testosterone while still taking the Propecia was hurting my system pretty bad. I guess when you are jamming T in your system and then putting other crap (Propecia) in there to block some of its function then it really can confuse your body. Once again I don’t really know how this works. Maybe when I feel smart again I’ll understand it better.

Anyways, Can you please let me know the answers to these questions, or let me know where to look?

Headache is a potential side effect of the medication. It could also be linked to your low Testosterone levels. Other members have reported this on the forum, do a search for “headache” to see.

Well, Finasteride is metabolized in the liver, and has been linked with elevated liver enzymes and is not recommened for people to take it that have pre-existing liver conditions.

There is also a study out there (I don’t have access to it – joplink.net/prev/200503/10.html – it says “The patient had been using finasteride daily for the prior 3 years but no other medications, over-the-counter products, herbs or supplements”, yet he ended up with pancreatitis. Just a strange coincidence? I doubt it.

The drug can also lead to increased estrogen levels in men, which can lead to gynecomastia (male breasts) – which is often characterized by itchy, painful, burning senstations in the chest. Merck even warns about this in their own drug insert that comes with the product (report changes in breast tissue to your physican immediately).

And FYI I was experencing bad stomach pain myself towards my 11 months on the drug, felt like cramps and just a general sickness in my stomach. That’s all gone away since quitting.

Not many on this site, yet. Most guys have borderline low T, or rebound from their post-Fin crash in T levels to midrange T (ie, 400-500 out of usual range of 300-800 or 1000).

I think you should really do some research on Testosterone Replacement Therapy, it doesn’t sound like you know much and your doctor may in fact not have you on an adequate protocol which in of itself could be causing you problems. You need to educate yourself so you know what you are doing to your own body, not just blindly accept everything told to you – that’s what got many men into this mess with Finasteride in the first place.

Is he monitoring your Free Testosterone? Estradiol/Estrogen levels? SHBG? Hematocrit and Hemoglobin? LH, FSH, prolactin, cholesterol? Red Blood Cell count? Sperm test?

TRT surpresses your own endogeneous T production and if you stay on long enough you will likely experience testicular atrophy and infertility unless you use hCG concurrently to maintain fertility/testicular size. It may take some time after coming off TRT for your own T production/fertility to come back online.

Now, I’m not a medical professional and neither is the user Hypo-is-Here, but I suggest you seek out his posts on this forum for more details on TRT, and visit anabolicminds.com for more discussion on TRT.

To answer your question – from what I understand, for men concerned about baldness, injections are preferable over gels, as gels tend to lead to increased DHT production and possibly increased aromatization into Estrogens, as well.

There are resources on this site for you to learn about TRT in the Drug Treatments and OTHER Studies sections.

Not that I know of but Finasteride can mess with cholesterol levels as noted here: propeciahelp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=965

Also, blood pressure issues could be related to low Testosterone or TRT treatment itself.

Anyway, until you come off the drug you really won’t know where you stand. Keep us posted.

Thanks for your help . I Truly appreciate it.

For anyone that has experienced blood pressure issues this may be helpful information. These are emails between myself and another forum member discussing Blood pressure problems we both have had while on Propecia or Finasteride. He is 27 and has been off for about a month. I am 35 and have been off 13 days as of today. I hope this may help someone that is having issues like this as well.

Theo wrote

I know how you feel.The pain bellow your ribs is cause by adrenal glands which were stressed to the limit.I had pain in the neck also where the tyroid gland is.I also had blood pressure of 150/100 and 120 heartbeats+extrasystoles.But now is normal 120/80.My first treatment was to stop finasteride

I took natural suplements and seems that things are getting very well for me(i’m as normal as I can get).I think you will have better days from now on, as long as you dont screw it again.

Don’t mess with your hormone balance.Your heavy lifting and testosterone abuse brought you here.Was not enough you already messed up with finansteride.

Each one separately could brought you down, but you had them both.

Here is what I took after quiting:

This is only my case.I dont know if it works for you.But I can tell you that after quiting finasteride in my case the first 2 weeks were the worse, not during finasteride:(
I quit this thing for over a month.I still have some body tremble sometimes during the day, but headache is gone, blood pressure normal, heartbeat 80.I feel like in convalescence.I started swiming a little heavier.No more sweats.

Aaron702 wrote
I’ve now been off of the Propecia for about 10 days and I do feel better. I’ve opted to quit all drugs that doctors were prescribing for the headache because they just seemed to make the symptoms worse as far as the fuzzy headedness etc. As far as the testosterone part goes. My last levels taken about a week ago were at 217 which is obviously very low. I am back on testosterone. I do however only use the gel that you rub on your arms in low dosage and they are taking my blood tests every 2 weeks to make sure that I don’t go above 750 or 800 which is a healthy range for my age and weight.

I don’t think that you understood what I was saying about the Testosterone use in my story though. I am not a body builder, nor do I really ever work out with weights. I noticed that my muscles were becoming rock hard and larger, and that it was also becoming very easy to lift my son who was 53 lbs at the time. I decided to see just how strong that I was and went to the gym in my community center and found out just how strong I was. I only lifted 1 time. About a month later my Testosterone levels were in the 1100’s and they took me off cold turkey. 1 month later I ended up in the Hospital with what is now being called Migraine headaches and High Blood Pressure. The low levels of testosterone are also a contributing factor.

It was important to mention because since most Doctors don’t know that Propecia/finasteride can drop Testosterone levels they don’t know what to do when they see the blood work and see the low levels of testosterone. Their answer was of course to supplement it. Because of this I think they may have caused permanent damage. I’ll have to wait and see though.

In the mean time they prescribed a few different medications for headache and now have given me a prescription for Blood pressure meds. I have opted to wait a couple more weeks to see if I recover from the BP issues after the Propecia is out of my system completely before I take any other Meds besides the Testosterone. The Testosterone is a must for survival at the moment. I will probably have to slowly wean off of it in a month or so and see if my body will produce testosterone again after that.

I am very glad that you have contacted me. I am sorry to hear that you too had side effects, but I hardly had anyone contribute their story or opinion to my post. It is nice to hear about people recovering while I am beginning to recover myself.

How long did it take for the pain under your ribs to go away? If we’re talking about the same thing. My pain seems to be subsiding a bit, however still very much there. It effects the area under my bottom ribs on both sides and a bit into the center sometimes. When I am sitting up at the computer like right now I feel this burning , almost bleeding type of pain. It’s tolerable at the moment, but can get to be really painful if I stay sitting up like this too long.

Thanks for your input. Quick question about the supplements/diet that you mentioned. What was your testosterone level at the time that you started this. The reason that I ask is that before I started supplementation again, mine was 217 which for by height and weight (6 ft, 268) was not even enough to function in the least. I cried like a little girl about just about anything, the whole world seemed gray and I could hardly get out of bed. Just bending down to put my shoes on was enough to wear me out.

Will this boost my T levels enough to go off of the testosterone completely, or should someone with levels as low as mine still take the testosterone for now? Or is this a question for Mew or Hypo? I can post this email to the site otherwise. I do notice it quite a bit if I miss my testosterone for the day.

Theo wrote
Well my story goes like this:I was arguing with my girlfriend and I went to gym that night.I noticed that I have some high blood pressure:140/90 for 2-3 months ,but that night things got precipitated.I started to have palpitations,anxiety,tremble.

The problem is I dont have medical insurance because I just finnished my international one and just swiched to Kaizer.The Kaizer will be valid starting january(I already start paying from october)

So in november I got this episode and I was very close to go to ER.But because I was afraid of 30k bill I decided to wait and see what is happening.

I will do my bloodwork in january.I presume is ok anyway I dont want to see some low levels of hormons now and I dont think this will help me.

I had some pain only on the left side but not very strong and from time to time.I also had in my neck were the tyroid is.

I think that testosterone will help you as long as you use a small quantity.You cannot jump from 217 to 1000.Your body somehow got used to low levels.Also check your CSF pressure(brain spinal fluid) and I suspect that thing is high too that why you have headache.

I’m now at one month after my first episode and things are getting better:headache is almost gone, small tremble blood pressure in normal range still varying a little:120-140 the big one and 70-90 the small one but in general is 125/80.Pulse again varies but between 75-95 usualy 80.I can sleep on my heart side.I couldn’t sleep before because everything was moving :slight_smile:

My plan is to get as my garlic+protein as possible to boost my testosterone.Antiinflamatories+vitamin C to calm down the body , some light exercise:I swim every 2 days+sauna. and in janurary if my testosterone is still low to use some testosterone cream too just to boost it.I avoid coke and alchool and anything that make my heart pumping.

Hey by the way last night all night my dick was so hard I couldn’t sleep
I wake at 2 am ,dick was hard as a rock, wake at 9.30 am in the morning again hard as a rock, went to bath and had to move around to calm it down to pee.

I realy improved alot, but dont forget at 3 months some guys get prostatitis so try to avoid that.Also it takes 1 month for finasteride effects to subside(early than that you are still under its influence).That if the crap doesn’t stay in the system for 6 month to 1 year.Nobody said finansteride doesnt get into deposits of your body.

I wish you fast recovery and keep in touch.Please dont think you have permanent damage yet.Just stay away from getting a crash again.I broke my back when I was young and I thought I will never be the same.And guess what 10 years later I was good as new.By the way I’m 27 yo.

p.s.When you use that cream everything returns to normal:BP, headache or just you feel better?


Aaron702 wrote

Thanks for the reply.
The Testosterone gel works very slowly compared to the injections. I have been on the gel for almost 3 weeks now and have shown improvement, but if I accidentally skip a day then I feel it a little, So I’m assuming that I don’t have a stable quantity.

The Headaches have been really bad at times, but I’ve been good for the past couple of days, I manage it with Motrin or Tylenol. Before that my doctor had me on Topamax, which is seizure medication that in lower doses works well with migraines. I was doing alright on it until it go to full dosage in my system and then had irregular heartbeat/arrhythmia and was sent to the hospital again. The stupid Neurologist didn’t even take me off of the drug because he didn’t know this was a possible side effect. I looked up the Drug on line and found out about it. I then fired him the next day.

No major BP issues either at the moment I am 140/90 or lower the past couple of days, and pulse around 80 to 85. Not great, but not as bad as I was at before. I am being very careful at the moment not to overstress, and I too have changed my diet a bit mostly to cut out high sodium and fat content.

You’re making me laugh my ass off about the “hard as a rock” thing. I never really had erectile dysfunction until right after I got out of the Hospital. I have tried twice since and no real luck. I could get it up, but I couldn’t keep it up long enough to really do anything with it. I attribute that to the low T levels and am sure I’ll be “strong like bull” again shortly. As my story shows, When my T levels were up my wife was very happy. I also think that the fear of having an aneurism or something comes into play as well. The last time we had sex was right before I went into the hospital. I got such a bad headache and my heart was pounding so hard that my wife almost called an ambulance.

Anyways. I am not really worried about it at the moment. I am just barely off of this crap now. ED is the least of my worries for the moment. If I can just get my head and BP right again I’ll be really happy. I’m thinking that we may want to post our conversation to the site in case there is somebody else like us with these issues as well. What do you think?
Talk to you later,

Theo wrote

Sure You can post it.The only thing is that we dont have a real treatment sugestion yet because is too early so others should proceed with caution.

It seems that ER decision is probably not the best option as money wise and actual getting better because they dont know what they are doing.And also quiting finasteride is a must and it seems this high blood pressure is definitely getting lower after quiting with or whitout low testosterone.In my case and in your case too BP had a lower trend after quiting.Also walking outside for 15 min help me calm down.

From what I read it seems things will get better in time anyway.Yesterday I had a really normal day.Today I feel a little tired, but I’m writing this from my desk at my job :slight_smile:.

Aaron702 wrote
I don’t think that a treatment option is as important as people understanding all of the possible side effects that you can see with this crap. Your decision about not going to the ER, even though a bit dangerous, in the long run could be correct. I’ve been there twice now, the Dr’s bills are just now coming in. Wow! It’s almost criminal what they charge. I have insurance and this is still going to be a big chunk out of my wallet.

Western medicine {in my opinion} does not look for options for treatment. They just look at the symptoms and then treat with medication. As I said, this did not help. I still have no diagnosis of what they even think happened. All they have done is try to treat the headache and the blood pressure now.

As I’ve mentioned before in my postings the dangerous part is that most Dr’s wouldn’t think to take you off of this crap during treatment because there aren’t any “known side effects” like this published on the Merck Website. If my mother hadn’t found this website then I would probably still be on Propecia. No Dr’s attempted to take me off of it during treatment until I showed them the info from the website. What else could have happened do you think had I not stopped? I hate to think about it, but nevertheless, the thought keeps entering my head. If they didn’t conclude studies to find these side effects then they don’t really know the drug interactions either. I guarantee you people have died from this crap by now.

What do you think happens if you add BP meds with a drug like Topamax, add in some Testosterone and still on the Propecia? The fact that Dr’s are uneducated about any side effects like this is just as dangerous as the drug itself. Companies like Merck don’t see this as a problem. They will lose a law suit over this one day, but won’t give a shit because in the time that it takes for them to finally lose, they will have made billions more off of the drug.

At this point they must have had thousands of cases put in front of them explaining these and other side effects to their drug. Responsible business practice would be to at least mention that these other side effects may exist. Instead they say… “Tell your doctor about these or any other side effects.”

How do you know that they are side effects if there has never been a side effect like this mentioned? I am pretty sure that there are a lot of people like me that couldn’t link their issues to Propecia due to the fact that the issues came on slowly and had nothing to do with the side effects listed by Merck. As I mentioned previously in postings, I had asked my Dr if the Propecia could have anything to do with my low T levels and he said No.

So to answer your question, if you had gone to the hospital you probably would just be on other meds that are interacting with the Propecia as well. Believe it or not, the ED was a blessing in disguise. It was probably the only thing that made you think to quit the finasteride, right? Now you are recovering from all of the rest of the issues that came along with it hopefully and the ED is going away. If not for the ED you would have most likely been treated for the other stuff, and be stuck on costly and unnecessary BP meds for the rest of your life.

Hopefully we will both be back to the 120/75 BP that we had before the side effects kicked in. On top of all that, I have 50 extra lbs to deal with that came on since March or April of this year. I’m 268 now and was always between 205 and 225 over the past 10 years. The last 24 lbs were added under Dr’s care after coming to him complaining of uncontrollable weight gain and depression in May and June. The 24 Lbs was mostly muscle so I didn’t care at the time, but it is all fat now. Dr’s did this to me, and I paid for it. Mother-F!@kers

Theo wrote


I found a very interesting article:
postgradmed.com/issues/1998/ … chmidt.htm

My question is :astonished:nly testosterone is low?what about LH what about FSH, what about cortisol, Tyroid hormons.Please read the article.In my opinion our high blood pressure was caused by different mecanism:yours is more adrenal fatigue, which you have that pain in the abdomen, mine by hyper/hipotyroidism - I have pain in my neck.

Can you tell me your whole hormone tests.I’m eager to get mine done in january.The good news in all this is that the other guys improved over time so things are not completly ireversible.

By the way adrenal fatigue has different stages.Cortisol regulates blood pressure and not testosterone.
postgradmed.com/issues/1998/ … chmidt.htm
Take your blood pressure while sitting down. Then, stand up and immediately take your blood pressure again. Your systolic (first) number should have raised 8 to 10 mm. If it dropped, you probably have adrenal fatigue

  1. Pupil dilation exam – (Equipment required: Flashlight and a mirror) Look into the mirror and shine the flashlight into the pupil of one eye. It should contract. If after 30 seconds, it stays the same or, even worse, dilates, you most likely have adrenal fatigue.
  2. Pain when pressing on adrenal glands (located over kidneys)

Aaron702 wrote
I don’t have a full screen of the tests. I will have to find out what they are. To my understanding, back in June, when I got the original blood work that showed the low T, the thyroid levels were “within normal range” At this time I did have a neck issue that felt like the scalene muscles hurt connecting to my clavicle. Now that I think about it, this did have a similar kind of burning, bleeding type of feeling. It went away though so I haven’t really thought about it in the past few months.

The Article is interesting. There is a book called “Living well with Hypothyroidism” if you think this is a possibility check out the book. It will list the symptoms as well. I think it may be a temporary thing as well though. Probably best to treat/recover from the main issue right now which is the Propecia. The other problems may just go away. I know that I am beginning to feel better. I added it up and this is my 12th day off of it. I have a long way to go still, but am very hopeful now that I will recover.

Also, I forgot to add that in the hospital they did a full work up on my pituitary gland because they thought that they saw a growth on the cat scan. They later ruled out the growth with an MRI. My results were “normal” according to the Dr’s except for the low T levels. Again, I don’t know for sure what else they tested. I have requested from my new Internal Med Dr to have the full work up done. Problem being is that he doesn’t see “the need” to and insurance won’t pay for all of the tests according to him, I may go ahead and pay for it myself if necessary.

Anyone ever been tested for MVP? (Mitral Valve Prolapse)
Diagnosis is usually confirmed by an echocardiogram, which provides an actual picture of the valve.

About 40 percent of patients with mitral valve prolapse also have an imbalance of the autonomic nervous system, or ANS, called dysautonomia. The ANS is composed of two systems; the parasympathetic and the sympathetic. It controls virtually all bodily functions, such as respiration, heartbeat, blood pressure, vision, and digestion. When this system is out of balance it can cause myriad symptoms, including panic attacks, anxiety, fatigue, palpitations, migraines, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and more.

Many times the symptoms of MVPS/D are triggered by some life event.
Common triggering events are childbirth, a major viral illness, menopause, accident, surgery, going to college (leaving home and stress), death of a loved one, marriage, moving, and divorce. Our nervous system doesn’t differentiate between good or bad stress.

Clinical Evidence of Dysautonomia:-
When evaluating impotence, the special clue is the presence or absence of morning erection. The morning erection is a frequently experienced event in the male. It tends to decline in frequency with age, but still occurs even in the older man. It is a manifestation of sympathetic nervous system activity during the REM sleep cycle; as such, it is a true measure of the competence of the autonomic nervous system.