A warning about SAMe, methylcobalamin, and high-dose B vitamins

Yeah. I was afraid it was over. Actually a bit surprised there was an end to it and didn’t realize it was over until looking back on how bad it was 8-10 months ago compared to April/May this year.

That’s why I encourage anyone in the midst of a crash to hang on for better times, even if they might not expect to not be the same as before all hell broke loose.


Yes I think my first time (in the chaos of the early months, still dazed and stunned and new to the whole thing) I read methylation “helped” (or rather that’s what I took away from it) and bought some Jarrow super strength B12 and things got worse, but I only took a few half-pills. Then read the whole methylation thing again and thought to myself “no I just need to persist” and took some more, and got worse again (penis response and sensitivity) and then recovered again.

THIRD time (yes, three times) I took another half and nosedived again, that one took a MUCH longer time to bounce back from but I did.


Btw i checked my histamine levels because of all this. On a scale of 1 to 9 they were 1,5. So quite low, which would correlate with all this. I think I am kind of improving. I sleep better. All the other symptoms are still bad. Libido/penile shrinkage/ZERO libido/more anhedonia. Still hoping for the best.

Also, I found this very interesting case, a must read. This guy got PSSD 2 years AFTER taking 1 SSRI pill. He triggered it by taking SAM-E. On the PSSD forum there is another story like this, so two cases already: ''I’m a 23 yeard male and for the past year my entire pubic area, penis, and scrotum have been numb to pleasure. I can still feel pain from a pinch, just no pleasure down there. I can still get erections and orgasm, but it takes longer because of the numbness. The numbness has affected my libido as well.

I have tried ruling out hormonal problems like testosterone, estrogen, and prolactin. I had all these tested and the results all came back within range. I had my thyroid’s TSH level tested only and it was fine. I’m unsure if I should test all other thyroid levels like T3/T4 or not.

I would be so appreciative if anyone could help me. My doctor doesn’t seem to know what else to check.’’

''In Fall 2011, I took one 5mg pill of an SSRI called Lexapro (escitalopram). It was the first and only SSRI I have ever taken. I had a bad reaction to it and stopped after the first dose. Luckily I didn’t have any lingering symptoms after that one dose.

Two years later in Fall 2013, I tried a supplement called SAM-e (s-adenosylmenthionine). I heard it was a safe supplement for mood and joints health with no side effects. I took the SAM-e for about 5 days at 800mg (kind of a high dose). It made me feel a bit sick to my stomach so I stopped it after those 5 days. If I remember correctly I believe after I stopped the SAM-e I think my numbness started.

I’ve been super worried that I somehow got PSSD (post SSRI sexual dysfunction) from that one pill of Lexapro. Is it possible that the one Lexapro could have had something to do with this and caused it two whole years later when triggered by the SAM-e? Hopefully not.’’

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I wonder if he got the PSSD symptoms from the SAM-e alone.

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I found a couple stories of people claiming to have developed a similar condition from SAMe, independently of any other substance.

Sooo… 3 days ago i suddenly crashed again. I was doing better sleeping again etc but suddenly bam it was like i had taken betaine again. No sleep/ bad dp etc. I told my mom i felt like i had been poisoned again and it felt like i had taken betaine again. She tried to come up with how this could happen. I follow a strict meat/fruit only diet with no veggies. 3 days ago i saw spinach that was made that was leftover from my parent and ate a bowl. My mom just found out spinach is the food highest in Betaine, when eating a lot even matching the same dose i used to take once daily in the week i crashed :weary:. It literally fits with me saying i feel like i am poisoned again. I would never believe if people would tell me they crash from spinach, but here i am, experiencing it myself.


What kind of supplements or medication did you take to cause a prior crash?

I am in the same unimaginable hell as you. I got better from the cacao nibs after a few months, ate a lot of this bread, and crashed again, then got somewhat better. Then I ate some candy with black carrot extract, etc. I probably would not be crashing like this if I had never taken the cacao nibs. It’s utter madness.

It’s not easy and I’m quite depressed, but we need to be strong and wait it out.

I took betaine for a week. Its a methyl donor. Crashed hard. Dude. I think u got ur crash too from taking methyl donors. Its common. Also it fits into the theory of us having silenced genes. Give people with that methyl donors and they worsen horribly. Check this out. Here rats after cocaine abuse are given a methyl donor and a demethylater. It is also shown most epigenetic changes have taken place AFTER withdrawal, u know, the stage we are in. The methyl donor worsened them badly, the demethylater improved them. We should look for demethylation agents dude. https://www.google.nl/amp/s/www.whatisepigenetics.com/dna-methylation-gives-epigenetic-hope-to-cocaine-addiction-treatment/amp/

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Thanks for the warning, I would also like to note that I had a bad mental crash from inositol which took about 2 weeks to recover from a single dose.

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I think I got some new info on this. Betaine and B12 are both homocysteine lowering substances, they are also used for this cause in people with high homosycsteine. The side effects of taking this for this cause and probably going too low are: Insomnia, body odor change, frequent urination, visual changes, memory problems, muscle weakness and the list goes on. Literally all these symptoms are what i experienced. The fact that u @Dubya_B didn’t react bad to SAMe but got problems when you started B12 also fits into this. SAMe doesn’t lower homocysteine, B12 does. What I also found out is that high homosycsteine is related to global hypomethylation. We could maybe conclude that low homocysteine, which we probably had taking such homocysteine lowering substances, results in the opposite. Check this out:

‘’“Exposure to homocysteine resulted in global DNA hypomethylation (p<0.05) and histone hyperacetylation (p<0.05). Total DNA methyltransferase activity significantly decreased following exposure to homocysteine (from 11.5 ± 3.9 to 6.0 ± 1.7OD/h/mg protein, p<0.01) which was accompanied by a significant reduction in protein levels of DNA methyltransferase 3B (p<0.05). Treatment of astrocytes with the DNA methyltransferase inhibitor, 5-aza-2’-deoxycytidine, mimicked the functional changes induced by homocysteine. In conclusion, the results demonstrate significant epigenetic modifications following exposure to homocysteine in astrocytes and these changes seem to mediate functional alterations.”

Why do these changes and sides of lowering homocysteine seem so sticky for us though? I think the cause of that maybe the same reason as why we got PAS/PSSD/PFS in the first place. I really think something fishy is going on with the methylation process, giving us absurd sticky reactions like this. Maybe even that homocysteine itself is some kind of cause for us getting PSSD/PFS/PAS

@Dknighten relevant for you too

Also please avoid eating spinach. I normally only eat fruit and meat. I ate spinach because some was left on my parents stove, and i crashed again badly, 3 days long, body odor went rancid again etc. Turns out spinach is food with the highest betaine there is.I wouldn’t believe this could happen if it wasn’t me who experienced it. :sweat_smile:

Hah. I tried beetroot juice last Fall for the high nitrate content and remember it being mentioned as containing high amounts of betaine also. Guess it mustn’t have helped.

I eat quite a bit of spinach and never noticed an issue though. Sorry to hear it hit you so hard.

Hmm. Homocysteine, the poor-man’s azacitidine? :slight_smile:

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Man read the last study of Melcangi, I was looking for DNTM1 inhibitors (from natural sources) but I did found that all of them where also 5AR2 inhibitors, but Methylprednisolone seems not! Im going to try it.

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Im going to try!! read last Melcangi Study!!

Do read Anonymous1968’s experience on using MethylPred. He seems to have had a positive experience apart from the sleeping issues.

U might want to look more into demethylating agents before trying one. It´s more complicated then u might think. this list might be of use for you.

Homocysteine is very bad for vascular and neural health it messes with dopaminergic system also harden your endothelia. In animals scientists induces impotence by increasing homocysteine level via feeding animals with high methionine foods.
After my first crash they checked my homocysteine level it was around 30 I started immediately methylfolate methylcobalamine b6 complex and reduced it to 11. I still take ultrahigh dose methylfolate but I have changed to hydroxycobalamine and adenosylcobalamin as b12
After my first crash methylfolate niacin and methylphenidate restored me some level.

The question is “is high homocysteine the result, or the cause, of poor cardiovascular health?” In the study you cite, the scientists used methionine as a precursor to the methyl donor, SAMe.