A warning about Emu Oil

Quick disclaimer I suffered full spectrum side effects from SSRI’s (lexapro) function never returned to 100% I’d estimate ~50-60% Tried Taurine the last few weeks and it greatly helped me feel more “high testosterone”, I also hear it’s useful for penile fibrosis so I think you guys should try it out.
I tried Emu Oil (https://www.amazon.com/Emu-Oil-Moisturizer-Strengthened-InstaNatural/dp/B00JX979CQ/ref=pd_bap_rp_12?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=7FRHJ7P8M1785H7TJP21 specifically) a couple of days ago for some scalp inflammation. I applied twice, once at night, once in the morning. To my horror my libido has crashed, emotions/motivation blunt…
Turns out that emu oil is chock-full of 5ar inhibiting fatty acids similar to coconut oil and has been reported (but not confirmed to my knowledge) to be highly anti-androgenic. needless to say I cleaned that oil out of my hair ASAP, symptoms still remain. hopefully, they will subside.

Just a friendly warning that you shouldn’t be sticking this poison anywhere on your body.
Any words of encouragement are welcome and are kinda needed at this point. I’m worried I may never return to “normal”

EDIT: Did a little more reading, apparently Emu Oil contains the same 5ari’s as saw palmetto. definitely need to look out now

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Thank you for the warning, usually when I crash with a supplement I go back to baseline within a few weeks. I hope it’ll be the same for you

does that seem to be people general experience?

What shampoo do you suggest that is “safe” is rosemary oil bad?

That shampoo I crashed on regenepure DR also had emu oil holy shit. How long was it applied on the scalp

it would have been on my scalp for 24 hours

Okay makes sense that’s crazy hopefully you’ll return back to your baseline at least

hopefully I don’t want to even think I gave myself pfs in addition to pssd

Most oil are bad for us to take. Olive, Avacado, coconut, any nut oil, especially palm and vegetable oil. Butter, duck fat, bacon fat are better options.