A shoutout to all those who have recovered or those that will

Hi guys,

Just a quick word to those that have recovered and to those that will recover, you are not alone.
By that I mean that if you recover do not leave us right then and there, pls let us know what you did exactly.
You might think that this post is rather unnecessary but I have been following some topics here that look very promising, these are the ones about a high dose proviron for a period.

As far as I know 2 persons on this forum have tried this protocol, (@Junkieasteride and @pal ), what we know from Pal is only that he says he has recovered and hasn’t answered a lot of questions and hasn’t posted anything for some time now.
The last of what we heard from Junkieastide is that he is trying the protocol. Then the only thing that I heard was from someone else on this forum that he somehow recovered and that’s about it.

No one knows how, no one knows exactly what they did, no one knows where they are right now/ what dosage, for how long, what time of day, what combination… so many questions and so little answers.

Now their absence could be meaning a lot of things.
They could be enjoying life and don’t want to get back on this forum, they are busy, they are dead, they are trolls wanting people to try stuff on themselves so they don’t have to.
I’m not assuming anything because I don’t know what the reason is, all I know is that we haven’t heard anything from them for quite a long time now.

So that is why I am making this shoutout, pls people thing about the other guys that are on this forum that still struggle daily with this shit. If you recover pls update us on how you did it. Don’t leave us hanging.

And Pal/Junkie I am really still hoping on hearing form you guys in the near future, I hope you guys recovered :wink:


Junkie received a huge amount of support from the forum so I’m a bit disappointed that he hasn’t been back to take the survey and report on his therapy. You can bet your last dollar that when recovered guys get sick they come back to the forum. When times are good we only see the tumbleweeds rolling by and not much else.


It might be wishful thinking, but I cant imagine recovering and then leaving all my fellow sufferers to rot here. Who have seen true despair.

It would be inhuman


I spoke to junkie recently and he indicated that he hasn’t recovered/improved much. I’d assume that means whatever therapy he tried out simply did not work. He told me he didn’t want to spend time on the forum as it’s negatively affecting his mental health and he’s just trying to cope at the moment.


Maybe the reason there aren’t credible recovery reports is that people don’t actually recover and our focus should be on recruiting PSSD and PAS survey respondents, unifying our cause with these other groups, and getting serious medical research started. In my opinion no one is going to recover until that happens and every day that we dilly dally is a day less time in our lives before mating phase is over and we have to live out the rest of our lives as tragedies.

There is sadly no recovery till now (Not saying it’s not possible, just want to point out, that it is for the time being highly unlikely)…Everything outthere are just Palliative measures, but even those are pretty bad compared to what other terminal illnesses get…
Please take your heads out of your a*** and stop giving false hope by suggesting that natural recovery is a thing…I’m sorry, but it’s NOT…There is NO such thing as Natural recovery…If we want to recover we have to find a cure, that doesn’t involve excersice probiotics diet and whatever useless supplements out there…Sexual sides are nothing compared to other side effects…please stop focusing on them (Most ppl in the community wouldn’t understand how devastating sexual sides can be anyway)…I have no taste smell or touch sensations…I’m practically dead and trapped between earth and hell…the sooner you understand there will be no natural recovery the better you will fight for finding an actual cure…

Summary: Natural recovery is a delusion to persuade our conscience that sitting around and doing nothing might someday pay off…


I agree. I think that if you don’t recover within a week after stopping, you’ll probably never recover.

I also don’t think it’s good to stay passive about this whole situation. We each have to be proactive about this. No one can help you but yourself.


Would you mind completing the survey please man?


That’s exactly the problem with guys who think that by giving false hopes they might deter critical sufferers and those who just crashed from suicide and I can sadly say that this approach while it makes some sense on the short run, its catastrophic effects linger for a lot longer than one might think…Most of suicides that I read were rather long term sufferers or at least not in the initial crash sufferers (I wish I can get some statistical information about that, and please forgive me for jumping to conclusion based only on my individual readings)
Im sorry for being honest, but no one would recover doing anything we know till now but HOPE is still there that we might find a cure one day…

Taken from link below which you guys should read and explains why proviron doesn’t work for everyone.

It is my belief that the most severe cases of PFS are caused by a 5ar downregulation in the Brain/CNS. So any attempts to increase 5ar and/or DHT peripherally without directly increasing 5ar in the Brain/CNS causes a negative feedback on the HPG axis"


To truly treat PFS one may need to increase 5ar levels in the CNS where the true deficiency of 5ar lies.
If it is the case that there is a severe downregulation of 5ar in the CNS, then this explains why men generally get better on GABA enhancing substances (the above study suggests GABA receptor stimulation increases 5ar expression in the Brain). And why they (we) get worse when we merely increase androgens peripherally.

@pokertje hey buddy read through my post and links it should help to better understand Proviron.


Just to make it clear, @Junkieasteride was within the first few months of post-drug side-effects when he began saying he was doing better. It’s hard to say if he is in a rebound, with improvement but still not close to pre-drug state, or heading toward full recovery.

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Nobody really healed from PFS. Only mild cases and the only cure was time. All the others are just charlatans or people who would like to experiment their absurd theories with others.


I disagree with you that natural recovery is a delusion as I have found some things that are really helpful, the powers that be on this website are not interested in hearing any of this because I have tried before and there is a very negative atmoshpere here towards home experimental therapies… Here is a clue for you and I can substantiate it with research that is out there in cyberspace… the rest is mostly my opinion from my own research and experimentation with supplements. I am still not sure it there is a cure, or a total recovery, but there are some secrets that will help you heal or reduce negative symptoms. Accutane causes brain damage, not doubt about that, you have to really search to find the evidence, but it is there. It does damage to pre frontal cortex of brain and hippocampus. Those are the brain issues that you need to work on with the right supplements. I believe that it cause a rare condition called amyloidosis which then does damage to heart. spleen, liver, kidneys, and the sexual sides that everyone here complains about. Don’t know if we are geneitically pre-disposed to it or if the drugs that everyone has taken causes it. I am not smart enough to figure that one out. Look up amyloidosis and you will see how similar our symptoms are. I have also thought that maybe they cause a form of autoimmune disorder like Lupus because of the chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia symptoms… But the strange symptoms that everyone reports are different becasue it depends which organs of the body the amyloidosis is affecting, which is basically a blood disorder, that is why everyone here has different symptoms. Lastly, these drugs are endocrine system disruptors and digestive system destroyers, that evidence is out there too, but for whatever reason it does not affect everyone here. I do believe that we all have the brain damage and the blood disorder (amyloidosis) and some may or may not have the digestive or endocrine system problems here. There is also great damage done to thyroid and liver from accutane which is obvious form the literature (drug companies). A lot of this can be mimimized in my opinion with the right combination of supps. and I am doubtful that the drug copmpanies can solve this problem because we were poisoned by a drug to begin with, not to mention that they won’t even acknowledge the problem and we are too small a market for them to make any profits. Hence the need for this forum and for us to find solutions together.

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