A newfound hope for patients

Not really sure what this is - a clinic again stating they have ways of testing/treating for PFS?


He didn’t do much for me…Seen him back in 2017 see my posts here. Costs me about 5k.


I wonder where on Earth some of the statements in the article are coming from:

Curiously, some men develop PFS only after a few doses of Finasteride while others have taken it for years before symptoms develop. The question of what protects the vast majority of men from developing symptoms has still not been resolved. Nonetheless, in a review of PFS cases, a common denominator keeps appearing which is a history of a physical traumatic injury or concussion which does not need to be associated with loss of consciousness. As a generality, it appears that the greater the injury, the more sensitive and pronounced are the symptoms associated with the use of Finasteride.

What review? Where is this published?
Does getting a goose-egg after falling from a bicycle predispose one to PFS?

In comparing PFS patients symptoms with those of veterans and civilians who sustained a traumatic brain injury, their complaints were nearly identical and when you compare the results of their laboratory bio-marker panel of neurosteroids and neuroactive steroids, their deficits (insufficiencies and deficiencies) were identical. Ultimately, when the Millennium’s TBI treatment protocol was applied to those with PFS, their benefits paralleled those that are seen with traumatic brain injury.

Really? Can any of this be verified?

This reads like an unsubstantiated forum theory.


same points I had when reading this article

Yeah i took it with a grain of salt. Seems sketchy at best.

He’s sent emails Bout this before…I posted some of them here…he thinks there is a relationship between previous tbi and pfs…

Idk…He’s too expensive regardless 375 for a test prescription…2k to join the pfs patient’s hd treats…The labs are outrageous he has done…Acess med lab in Florida is who he uses and I used telemedicine they ship a blood draw kit and u send it back and they send the results to him…

I feel like this doctor isn’t genuine at all I think I’ve seen a video he did on the joe rogan podcast and he mentions he was able to fix PFS in 6 months using TRT but I have yet to see anyone come forward to back up his claims.

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I went on his protocol…Felt nothing for 2 months then I started feeling improvement…Then after a couple more months the Trt started going in the other direction…I got so distressed mentally I thought my head was gonna blow off…

I had to stop at 5 months…I still use his supplements dhea, Pregnenolone can’t remember now but had me on a ton of shit…

He’s too expensive u can buy all that stuff yourself even the clomid…he uses the pure encapsulations brand on supplements…I only used him because back then he was one of the only Dr’s to recognize this shit and did telemedicine Goldstein etc…u had to fly to California in person…None of them can treat it or even know what the hell it is…