A healthy Carbohydrate diet

My quick thoughts on diet.
I think the right carbs or diet in general could help facilitate healing. I also know diet alone isnt enough.
I absolutely do not believe in the keto diet btw.
I believe limiting red meat could be helpful.
One big question mark is coffee. Im not so sure its that healthy. I know there is conflicting info on this.
It can have gi effects like no other substance, scientists cant even pin down exactly why.
This is just one example of healthy carbs.
They talk about carb loading, im just talking about choosing healthy carbs as part of a balanced diet.


There’s some science behind this used in the medical industry.

Consuming carbohydrate -containing drinks up to 2 h before surgery has been found to be an effective way to attenuate insulin resistance, minimise protein losses, reduce hospital stays and improve patient comfort without adversely affecting gastric emptying.

Pre-operative Nutrition and Carbohydrate Loading - PubMed


Really?: Always Consume Carbs Before Surgery - The New …

well.blogs.nytimes.com › 2012/09/24 › really-always-c…

Sep 24, 2012 - Carbo - loading patients also had a quicker return of normal gut function after surgery and had smaller reductions in muscle strength. Other studies have shown similar results for recovery and have also found that having a drink containing carbohydrates up to two hours before surgery appears safe.

I look at this to maybe help resolve ongoing gi symptoms in some, or at least not worsen.

Diet is an important piece of the puzzle but you need to get others things right if you want to benefit from it

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I’ve started the specific carb diet a few days ago and I feel great on it, my GI tract feels good too.


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Personally, I avoids carbs as much as possible, they basically make me alot fatter.


I don’t see that the diet matter is one specific to our issue. The negative effects of too much simple carbs are well documented and of direct interest to anyone whether their health is good or, like ours, compromised.

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