I rang PALS yesterday to make a complaint about the constant denial of my symptoms and the existence of PFS from Drs/consultants in the NHS. On explaining my situation it was suggested I contact NHS England who advised I contact the Medical Health Regulation Authority .
I will send the MHRA a mail outlining my journey and symptoms, pointing to the numerous supporting scientific evidence which now total in excess of 50 papers. The legal settlement in America, the redactment by Merck. I will ask why this drug remains on the market for cosmetic purposes despite all of this and that the labelling does not include or warn of any of the potential for life changing sides. I’ll also include the statistical data on the number of reported off label symptoms (17k) Asking the question what is their stance considering a major part of their role is post pharma vigilance/ to protect public health.
The email address is info@mhra.gov.uk
Can everyone in the UK please do the same. As a public organisation/body they are duty bound to respond to every query…
A veiled threat of raising this with your MP or the health minister would not harm. I worked in the public sector and such proposed actions do carry weight.
The greater the numbers the worse it looks when the public enquiry lands, which it will one day.
Please confirm your willingness to participate, sitting back and allowing the dismissive proffesion to silence us is not what any of us want. Shaking trees can only help.
As another reminder, if you haven’t already done so please report your sides via the yellow card scheme which directly feeds into post pharma vigilance.
Please do this!!! We can’t complain when we sit back feeling sorry for ourselves expecting others to carry the torch.
As per!!! Awareness and recognition are fundamental in getting support towards a treatment.