95% recoverd and no sexual side-effects


I has been a while since I have been at this board now, but I will tell you a little from my recoveries.

Today most is working well; lot of energy, no sexual side-effects.++

The only thing is that my allergy has increase and I has still tinnitus coming and pasting away.
And my hearing has gone bad and are using hearing aid.

I wonder if the hearing issue I am fighting now could be because of some missing steroid levels.

I tested for Aldosteron a half year ago since I read at the Internet that low levels could cause hearing loss.
The level was 241 in a range of 870-800. The doctors said this is ok. Any one any idea of this could be reason?
It feels that I haven’t enough energy in brain to hear voices…

Look forward to hear if anyone else have experienced the same or have som suggestion for what to do.


My aldosterone is very low the range was something like 250 - 800 i was around 270.

Can you tell me what symptoms you had back in 2004? What has got better?

what did you do for the sexual side effects.?

when your sides started? I could not find your story or list of sides, I think you have been suffering since 2003-2004?
what did you do to recover? any special vitamins?
are you taking any meds/supps?

Did you do anything special to recover over that time? Any special therapies or supplements or changes?

My aldosterone is fairly low too, but not as low as yours. Aldosterone is made by the adrenals and majority have some form of adrenal insufficiency so no surprise there. You can get FLUDROcortisone which will up your aldosterone levels and help w tinitis. In the mean time drink a glass of sea-salt and water twice a day.

what is sea-salt? the sea-salt sold on groceries stores? how will it help us? any study or research behind it?

It’s not a cure by any means and certaintly does not address the root cause (which none of us know)…but

custommedicine.com.au/uncate … dosterone/

Taken from “Treat your thyroid” book

thanks man.

Yes, look at this post:

It started for many years ago and has been a upside and downside the whole way… Probably 2004-2005 yes.

I tried a vitamin supplement and it helped a lot but after a period I wasn’t allowed to take this supplement through customs and therefore tried several other things with not the same help. I work 100% in a very stressful job which has not been any good for me too. After 3-4 years I got the same supplements through customs but then with not the same results as before I had to stop taking it. Seams that the body had corrected some of this. I thought most of my issues was relates to the adrenals. But when I had to take medicine against allergy, for headaches and so on the tinnitus and burning hell came back to me every time…

I went to a specialist on thyroid and tried medicine for T3 and T4 but that made me a hell. I felt that someone was squeezing my brain and I got high combustion, had 3-5 kg weight lost, so I stopped this…

I stopped drinking cow MILK and eating milk products (not drinking milk in 7+ years now). Try to eat less white wheat. A diet like that for persons with celiac disease.

I do not take any medicine. Try to eat healthy and less sugar/alcohol/coffe. And have been started to exercise but I must take this easy since to much exercise was not good (get easy exhausted). A lot of sleep is important.

I have not been to an hormone special list for years but think I may check out the aldosteron link again since tinnitus/burning nose is still coming/going…
I was also interested in the neurosteroid levels which they PFSfoundation have checked out could this also be a link for the depression that is coming when tinnitus/burning effects happens or is this only nose irritation because of stress?


How bad was your libido before? Did it slowly get better or did it come back all at once?

I had a perid where the libido was low and had some strange experience during sex when it was bad. For example whole body felt like missing any feelings… But it came back after a while and are normal theese days but to much sex I get very tired and need many days to heal… In combination with alcohol the body shuts down / need a lot of days to heal…