9 months after , penis is numb, no libido

yo, used fin for about 9 months … had brain fogs ,testicles pain,pelvic sharp pain, felt always like its cold, lost libido and penis sensitivity and almost no semen when ejaculating…

almost 1 year later almost all the symptoms are gone but the penis sensitivity and lake of libido…
my penis head isnt pleasurable anymore, it feels nub, specially the bottom part where it suppose to be the most fun…
women look like rocks or trees at the moment… i date women and i force myself to kiss them but i get no excitement out of it… seems like the situation is getting worse when ive stopped watching porn and havent masturbated for 3 weeks (something that never happened before, i used to masturbate 1-2 time a day)… as a male, having a life without any sex drive is having half a life… i cant even feel something for a girl because sex drive is related… they dont look cute and sexy anymore… my brain is totaly numb… waking up in the morning, making money, everything is related to women lust. i cant see any changes for the last 4-5 months, i think its even gotten worse…

why arent we protesting in front of mercks headquarters??? thousands of people!!!

what can i do ? does anyone with same symptoms found a way to make it better?

I’m the exact same and feel we should be DOING MORE to fight our cause.

I would do a hunger strike outside Merck head office here in the Uk if I could get at least one other member to join me?

Top three things you can do:

b Participate in a study.[/b] There are studies going at two elite US medical establishments. Can you be a part of this? You have the power to change lives.
b Donate to the PFS Foundation.[/b] The PFS Foundation needs money to try and solve this problem.
b Tell your story to PFS Global.[/b] PFS Global is an excellent podcast dedicated to furthering the cause of men suffering from PFS. You can do this anonymously and - of course - it costs you nothing.

Nothing will get done about this problem without these three vital ingredients.


One factor which is diminishing the attention of PFS Is that so many men are using it with minimal problems at least initially (or the symptoms or insidious like they were for me) and thus when they hear alarmist feedback they simply dismiss it. Making matters worse of course are the doctors who’ve prescribed tend to minimize the risks. While I do hold doctors responsible for not looking beyond the pharmaceutical companie’s claims, the fact is they prescribe it judiciously and few guys come back panicking with sexual side effects. So when they finally get a guy who comes forward and expresses that he feels castrated, the doctor generally dismisses it. “I’ve been prescribing this for years and I haven’t heard any guys having any problems.” At some point the research studies will follow the anecdotal reports such as ours and doctors will change their tune. There are some other famous precedents in the literature such as antidepressant therapy Which doctors now recognized as having prominent sexual side effects.

i totaly agree with you… when i went to my doctor he told me “I’ve been prescribing this for years and I haven’t heard any guys having any problems.” just the exact thing… unbelievable…

The insane thing is there seems to be NO dispute about what “Anti Androgens” do to guys, sheesh Law Enforcement
uses them to treat SEX OFFENDERS…and Propecia is an Anti Androgen and there’s this supposed B.S. quandary
about the damage it’s caused.




eat healthy as fuck… take potent anti fungal, anti bacterial, anti viral herbs… treat yourself like you have diabetes to fix blood sugar issues… exercise DAILY…

In my opinion there is no such thing as “eating healthy”. Your nutrient requirements depend a lot on your lifestyle. If you have insuline issues then the best thing you can do is eating nothing for a long time. BTW, I’ve had high SHBG (like many other guys here) and I still have high SHBG and insuline resistant people usually have low SHBG along with metabolic syndrome. High insuline lowers SHBG a lot. So this is often not like having diabetes but fasting a bit can repair a lot of other things too, not only insuline resistance. I can only recommend water fasting.