yo, used fin for about 9 months … had brain fogs ,testicles pain,pelvic sharp pain, felt always like its cold, lost libido and penis sensitivity and almost no semen when ejaculating…
almost 1 year later almost all the symptoms are gone but the penis sensitivity and lake of libido…
my penis head isnt pleasurable anymore, it feels nub, specially the bottom part where it suppose to be the most fun…
women look like rocks or trees at the moment… i date women and i force myself to kiss them but i get no excitement out of it… seems like the situation is getting worse when ive stopped watching porn and havent masturbated for 3 weeks (something that never happened before, i used to masturbate 1-2 time a day)… as a male, having a life without any sex drive is having half a life… i cant even feel something for a girl because sex drive is related… they dont look cute and sexy anymore… my brain is totaly numb… waking up in the morning, making money, everything is related to women lust. i cant see any changes for the last 4-5 months, i think its even gotten worse…
why arent we protesting in front of mercks headquarters??? thousands of people!!!
what can i do ? does anyone with same symptoms found a way to make it better?