7 Keto DHEA

7 Keto DHEA maybe worth a shot?
de.truveo.com/hormone-and-neuroc … d/61865366
Dr. Michael Borkin seems to be a professional in endocrine systems… Some ideas and theories are identical with things discussed in our forum.

3 tapes. I think it could be usefull to take a closer look at them…

I thought you recovered?

waz up cythocrome?..are you still suffering from propecia 's sides?

My guess is if he is still milling around this site and doing research on endocrine systems, then, yes, he is still suffering. I would love for you to tell me I’m wrong cytochrome…I’m sure we all would.

I’ve seen this Borkin presentation; it’s all about adrenal disease and insufficiency, and how your standard doctor totally misses diagnosing it. He has an interesting insight on endocrine health so his videos are worth watching.

All vids: youtube.com/profile?user=bio … &start=600

As with all hormone supplementation, use responsibly and cautiously.