7/24 depersonalization, zombie mode, zero emotions

7 months past. Everyday was nightmare. I’m tired to wake up with this garbage brain, i hate my brain. Will this mental sides go away. I CAN’T FEEL ANYTHING!
I tried water fast for 6 days, i eat healthy diet. I used vit d, fish oil, and other supplements but i quit because i didnt see any benefits. Im trying to watch tv, play video games, reading books but i cant enjoy. I cant love my parents. I cant feel peace of trees sounds, warm winds etc. I lost my sense of humour, creativeness, imagination.This drug took my spirit…
Should i try progesterone or other things, or should i wait ?
I want to feel myself like past.

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have you tried raising dopamine? You can try some l tyrosine food just to see if that has any effect… It gave me some temp improvement.

Hang in there. It will come back eventually. I suffered for 3.5 years post fin before finally getting serious about recovery. The past two weeks I’ve noticed my sense of humor has returned for the first time in many years. I’m currently on PCT cycle and ready to start the next prohormone cycle with AlphaHard. Anyhow, my treatment protocol is based on CDNuts but I’ve modified it over time…
This is the first time I’ve posted my protocol. I wanted to be sure of results before sharing it.
Note: It is NOT easy and it is NOT cheap. But it’s worth every penny and every painful workout to get my life back.

First things first:
Belief in God. If you are not a Christian, I encourage you to start searching and learning.
He is the designer of our DNA, and has the power to fix what man has damaged.
In my experience, I found prayer to be the best ‘meditation’ to calm the mind and get my focus off of my troubles. I’ve also experienced an accelerated improvement in my PFS once I began asking the Church elders and pastors to pray for me. The time spent reading the Bible, being with other Christians to study, and consistently going to Church every week has resulted in a profound and positive change in my life. This, just like the protocol below, requires work and dedication on your part. There will be ups and downs, but you are not alone and God WILL help you through this!

Diet and Exercise:
Water Fasting or Juicing. Try two weeks before starting any of the items below…
If this is too hard, try Intermittent fasting. A good book to read is “Engineering the Alpha Male”.

Eat a Paleo diet and carb back load at night depending on your exercise plan
50 Foods that boost testosterone naturally: anabolicmen.com/50-foods-that-bo … ne-levels/
Avoid gluten, sugar and alcohol
Lift heavy weights three times per week (Weightlifting boosts Testosterone)
Do HIIT once per week at first, then go to twice per week (High Intensity Interval Training boosts Testosterone)

Whey Protein (1 gram per pound of body weight) This includes BCAA’s
B complex (B2, B3, B6 and B12) I take the sublingual dissolving B12
Magnesium (Anxiety) (powder which dissolves in water is best)
Omega3’s (Inflammation) 5grams daily, 3grams AM and 2grams PM (Get high quality with balanced DHA/EPA)
Rhodiola (fatigue)
D3 (5000 to 10000 iu) daily
5HTP (mood)
L-Tryptophan (sleep)
Calcium D-Glucarate (removes excess estrogen)

Cycle (Prohormones) and T-Boosters for 6 weeks

Alpha Hard (DHT -This is a replacement for CDNuts AndroHard which is no longer available)
forerunnerlabs.com/ProductDe … tCode=7275
4x in the AM and 4x in the PM (directions say 3x twice daily, but this is underdosed compared to AndroHard)
Promotes generation of 5ar and Androgen Receptors

Optional Prohormones:
Andro Factory Prohormone Stack (DHEA)
androfactory.com/product-p/ … -focus.htm
Focus 1x daily
LeanCut 1x daily
BulkUp 3x daily (works best after you already have 60 days of workouts to add mass)
All of the AndroFactory items require 5ar in order to convert to downstream hormones because they are DHEA prohormones. Personally, I would recommend cycling Alpha Hard first, then PCT before using these because of our 5ar and Androgen receptor issues. These are designed for a serious weightlifting program and healthy diet for bodybuilding.

Natural T-Boosters:
These should be rotated daily to prevent the body from building a tolerance.
1. Tribulus Terrestris
2. Mucuna Pruriens
3. Tongkat Ali (LJ 100)
4. D-Aspartic Acid
5. Horny Goat Weed
6. Maca Root

PCT 4 weeks
The PCT stack I bought was recommended by CDNuts:
Wicked Supplements.com (Australia)

Note: Use an Aromatase Inhibitor during both phases to control estrogen.

• Calcium D-Glucarate 2x a week

I have reached almost 1 year mark. Im still suffering this horrible emotionlessness, depersonalisation, derealisation, no motivation, no character. I look mirror and cant recognise myself. I look my parents and i feel nothing. I have also worsening vision problems and tinnitus. I dont know what to do at this point. I was already at the bottom. But now, just breathing.

all i can say is just keep going. i was still at my worst after the one year mark. by year two, i was much better. for me, it was between 1.5 and 2 years that i really started noticing improvements, particularly in the brain fog, depersonalization, emotionlessness. do whatever you have to do to keep going. you’ll be so happy you did once you get there.

at one point, i was brain fogged, financially gutted, homeless, couch surfing with friends. i was miserable and i wanted to die. i’ve been back to work for several months, and on dec 1, i am moving into a gorgeous apartment in downtown seattle, and i am very happy. and getting happier each day.

i took nothing… did not change my diet or anything, just let time pass.

it will get better if you hang in there.

Thanks ihatefin, im trying to hang in there as best as possible…