5arvic's bloods - lowT any advice?

Cortisol AM [5.0 - 25.0 ug/dL] 20.7
Vitamin D, 25-HYDROXY [30 - 100 ng/mL] 18
Lutenizing Hormone (LH) [Males: 20-70 Years 1.5-9.3] 3.7
Prolactin [Male: 2.1-17.7] 9.1
Estradiol (E2) [Males,16 and over : 0-39.8pg/mL] 19
Androstenedione [40 - 190 ng/dL] 151
Testosterone Total [250 - 1100 ng/dL] 293
Testosterone Free [35.0 - 155.0 pg/mL] 75.0

Total T is very low, at the bottom of the range. Free T is midrange, surprisingly. E is midrange.
And Vitamin D is deficient.

Any advice?

as a competitive bodybuilder and avid steroid user, I can only advise what I myself have used, experimented and had success with from harsh and debilitating steroid cycles.

It is quite obvious that many of the users of this drug who experience side effects undergo a form of HPTA meltdown and or shutdown… Many of the users on here seem to opt out for natural healing (over time) and or natural remedies. all though well possible to heal it’s much like doing a cycle of steroids and following up with no pct… you will basically turn into a woman and have debilitating effects with the test level of a school girl. depression, anxiety, loss of libido and sexual desire/function etc. It’s incredibly ignorant for a steroid user to do this as it’s far worse and less probable to bounce back naturally (if at all from shut down of HPTA) as well as less effective using natural remedies (ALTHOUGH NOT IMPOSSIBLE). I see a similar correlation as finasteride seems to have similar effects on the HPTA.

I would advise going under a simplistic PCT regime that of what a steroid user would implement to recovery from a debilitating cycle. (USE PHARMA GRADE/not bullshit over the counter rip offs… powerful shit need like wise powerful shit to bounce from)

Clomid weeks 1-4 (1st day 100mg, then 50mg ED week 1-4)
Nolvadex weeks 1-4 ( 40/40/20/20 ( first two weeks 40mg ED second two weeks 20mg ED)
HCG weeks 1-4 ( week 1 1000IU ED / week 2 OFF / week 3 1000iu ED / Week 4 off

I would also include some natural remedies in here as well such as tongkat ali and tribulus terrestris ( FROM ULTIMATE NUTRITION) patented

pm me if you need guidance in where to obtain and best brands.

Hi Bodill32, thanks for your feedback! Just posted a reply on your main thread about using AI or not in PCT cycle for PFS sufferer.

Your point is well taken. I plan to do a PCT cycle soon. My idea is to use Nolvadex standalone. Kind of scared by Clomid’s possible side effects. I did not experience shrinkage of balls, so HCG is probably not necessary. It also might be suppressive to LH/FSH, of course depending of dosage and duration. At this point I don’t know if I only have low T or also 5ar damage. If I only have low T, this PCT cycle just might raise my T and hopefully leave it at a reasonable level after the cycle. But if I have full blown PFS, then my 5ar is damaged. That means I wouldn’t have enough DHT to keep my E in check. Even worse, all the T that does not get converted to DHT because of the damage will get aromatized into E. So even more E! That’s why many PFS sufferers have E dominance. And that’s the reason why an AI is necessary during PCT. My endo doesn’t believe PFS is real. I will probably have to convince him to monitor my E during my PCT cycle to make sure it doesn’t skyrocket.
