The PFS Foundation said 575 PFS victims have died and 97 from suicide, does anyone know how PFS killed majority of the people?
Here’s the cited figure.
Additionally, the database contains 575 cases of “death” as a subset of “General disorders and administration site conditions.
Here’s the database. If you search on finasteride you’ll find exactly that:
Here’s what that is.
A class of disorders that encompasses conditions of a general kind that result from a disease, the treatment of disease or administration of treatment at a particular site and are manifested by a characteristic set of symptoms and signs
Trail goes cold at that point. The WHO might know.
We have higher risk of cancer, I’ve had testicular. Another 1 could be a Heart attack which took out Shayne Warn and Ray Iliotta both of whom were on fin. I doubt very much their deaths are included in the numbers. Then we have Robin Williams and Whacko who lost their lives. . Keep an eye on Robbie Williams and Simon Cowell, both are displaying the rapid ageing and loss of masculinity
Is this for people who have PFS or current propecia users?
I’m sure that I read somewhere that Robbie W is on TRT.
So basically 1 out of every 35 men will die young because of PFS
He also previously admitted to using Fin, he may still be on it who knows. Also admitted he has no interest in plugging the Mrs, has poor mental health, has used trt, he has dropped so much weight and his face has aged and thinned as reported by many on here.
Looked into it and it seems he got fin got him depressed so he quit and tried PRP which didn’t help.
He used TRT (and was fine) but quit since he’s an addict and started to up his dosage (I assume). As he quit TRT he’s sex drive plummeted which is to be expected by a man his age (I guess).
The weight seems to be due to choice since he apparently have body dysmorphia but be doesn’t look sickly imo.
Idk I don’t see PFS signs here. But who knows I don’t know him personally.
Does rapid aging happen to everyone Who have dry skin ? My face has changed and im worried it Will get worse. I hope all of u donate montøy to pfs network
Not necessarily. My skin has not aged but it is dry.
No mate I had the dry skin for years then the ageing hit at the same time as I lost thr subcontaneous fat and muscle but I believe it is all reversible
Do u guys donate ti pfs network? Their research is progresing
Everyone’s experience differs. I’ve personally never had dry skin from this, but developed very loose and rubbery skin. My facial changes have, oddly enough, been almost a combination of aging and feminizing. My features are much less masculine, but I look aged due to the loose skin, and bone/subcutaneous fat loss.
I too experience rapid ageing. Loosing muscle mass leading to reduced weight, loosing bone density, loosing strength, further, from normal fair skin to red skin and then to dark skin, recurrent kidney stone formation, etc.
Can you possibly provide us with a naration of your journey.