5 months off - up then down

I thought I’d post an update as it has been 5 months since I took a 1mg finasteride pill and woke up impotent. I recovered from impotency twice after recovering then crashing again and recently have been pretty good the past 2-3 months.

Libido has been acceptable, and for that I felt so grateful after having zero initially. The only issue that persisted was the rubber feeling in the penis. However I could get erections and remain hard as long as I was aroused without any aid such as cialis.

However, today I experienced almost complete ED as I tried to masturbate, only getting hard close to ejaculation. This was like when I first crashed.

I thought I was on the road to improvement, and this hits me out of nowhere after 3 months. I’m trying to remain calm and hope it’s just a down swing and it will pass. But you know, hard to remain hopeful at times.

I’m aware I’m not one of the worst sufferers out there, and I am grateful for that. But this is still difficult.

I pray for everyone out there to feel better soon. Stay strong.

It’s now been 6 months since taking the pill so I thought I’d give an update.

ED seems to fluctuate, with erections not being as hard as pre-fin, but I feel a steady trend upwards after my recent bout. I am able to have sexual relations and masturbate with little hindrance right now (takes a little longer)

Libido is still diminished, but there on command when needed.

Not sure if it is related to libido, but for the past few months I have been hugely apathetic with nearly zero motivation to do much at all. I used to be very focused on self-development, meeting new people, planning things etc. Now I just don’t give a toss. Bordering on depression at times it feels like. This is enhanced when external stressors come into play.
I’m currently still taking buproprion but it’s effects seem to be waning.

Brain fog is 95% gone I feel. Returning it seems when drinking high amounts of caffeine.

I’m still grateful for the huge recovery I’ve made from my worst. I wouldn’t have been able to cope if it wasn’t for many of the people on here I bugged with messages and the advice of fellow sufferers. Truly thankful for this group.

Praying for you all to recover each day.