hello everyone
I took finasterid for around 5 years, which was really effective in preventing hairloss, I stopped it due to ED 5 months ago and went to the urologist because of that. He checked everything with ultrasonic and took some blood for the lab. Today i received the results of the blood test and it says:
LH: 2.6 u/l (1.5 - 9.0)
FSH: 4.7 u/l (1.0 - 14.0)
Prolactin: 136 mU/l (65 - 260)
SHBG: 13.5 nmol/l (13.0 - 71.0)
Testosteron: 7.9 nmol/l (9.3 - 34.6)
Testo free: 23.8 pmol/l (16 - 84)
Now the urologist says that my Testo is too low but he didnt say something how to push it higher.
What do you think, is it possible that my ED is because of my testosteron or shoulndt it be a problem because my testo free is in range ?
And my secound question is, would Clomi push my testosteron a bit higher ?
Thanks in advance