I don’t get it.
Most of us took 5ar inhibitors for quite a long time with few side effects at all. Many men like myself grew new hair while on the drug with few sides.
Many other men were on the drug quit and were fine then went back on and later crashed.
Others quit the drug with little sides and crashed months after quiting.
My neighbor is now on 5mg of fin and he is way better off than me. I have another friend who has been on it for 10 years and he is 50 and his libido is 10 times that of me.
We know from studies DHT drops within 1 day of taking a fin but many of us feel fine for weeks or months.
Most of us do not have low DHT.
Mos of us do not have any long term improvement with DHT. In fact some feel worse.
So this kind of proves that PFS is nothing to do with systemic inhibition of 5ar. I think we can pretty much put such theories to rest at least for most of us.