I am going to do it guys, I have one other I know locally who may as well, this is in reference to this thread Mew Started: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1467

I am completely convinced based on my research and experience that this will do it, I apologize for all the posts, I need all of your support for this. Please everyone help me here by researching this as much as you can. Let me know whoever else wants to join in on this trial, this peptide was designed to treat 5AR deficiencies. 
 The reason I know mine are being blocked is because I tried to block them intentionally to stop my oily skin. I have found ways of inducing 5AR enzymes and when I do, they reverse all PFS
 I plan to replace my 5AR enzymes with this peptide, no one has tried this, out of all treatments talked about, this is the most promising. I am sorry for starting a new thread, but I felt I needed to for this, all I am asking is for your support guys. Moral support and research support, what if this experimental drug works?
 Please give me your feedback, I am ordering the peptide now. I know a couple others wanted to do this as well, so please post here, this could be a game changer guys. I am successfully (but tired) managing all the symptoms with hormones, look, this drug is the OPPOSITE of Finasteride, finasteride blocks 5AR, this is 5AR. It took 1 pill to cause PFS, it is reasonable to assume even 1 injection will fix it. 

Mew’s post
SRD5A2 peptide available for purchase, for research purposes… wether this could be useful to us or not I have no idea… but if it turns out through genetic testing 5AR2 turns out to be defective/inactivated, perhaps this could help restore activity? Would need to speak to a geneticist.


"SRD5A2 (Steroid-5-alpha-reductase, alpha polypeptide 2) is a microsomal protein. It converts testosterone (T) into 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and progesterone or corticosterone into their corresponding 5-alpha-3-oxosteroids. It plays a central role in sexual differentiation and androgen physiology. "


lifesciences.sourcebioscienc … =Hs.458345
lifesciences.sourcebioscienc … =Hs.646782

rnaidesigner.lifetechnologies.co … cusId=6716

“This gene encodes a microsomal protein expressed at high levels in androgen-sensitive tissues such as the prostate. The encoded protein is active at acidic pH and is sensitive to the 4-azasteroid inhibitor finasteride. Deficiencies in this gene can result in male pseudohermaphroditism, specifically pseudovaginal perineoscrotal hypospadias”


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Looks like there are 3 peptides for each enzymes

There is a 5 alpha reductase enzyme BLOCKING ANTI-BODY!!! There are peptides which block the anti-body that kills 5 alpha reductase enzymes. So basically, guys born with the 5AR deficiency have anti-bodies that kill off the enzymes. We may have triggered a gene and are producing 5AR blocking anti-bodies. That may be what PFS is. This is exciting, that makes sense, so our body maybe producing an anti-body which is killing 5AR enzymes.

Google the 3, so we have 2 options, replace the enzymes, or block the anti-5AR anti-body


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How do you know what dosage to inject…how many doses are needed, etc?

I suppose it could be possible to inject too much and end up with a negative feedback resulting in a PFS like state?

I already am in a PFS like state lol, I am able to counter it with various remodulating hormone protocols, but I don’t think that this fear would be realized with this. I have had the same concern, but my body usually (before PFS) produced A LOT of 5AR enzymes, I mean one drop of test and I would bulk up huge, my skin would be more oily than a frying pan, libido through the roof, it may be why I am doing better than others, I don’t know.
All I know is I am not producing much 5AR right now at all, this enzyme responds to finasteride (finasteride can block it), so I believe this enzyme is the opposite of Finasteride actually. People here have tried EVERYTHING, except the one thing that makes the most sense, I am going to do it, but we need to all work together and research and figure that out.
I am working on it myself.

You’re right. This make totally sense. Our problem is the alpha enzyme. Please keep us update.

Hey man can u consistently have sex without ed meds??

Yea I have had my dick and sex drive under control with hormones, I have had to remodulate doses and drugs, but with proviron (synthetic dht), I’m doing real well right now.

I can also have sex when I want without taking ed meds…But keep in mind my fiancé is in prison and I live alone and masterbate sometimes 3 times a day… Only problem is sometimes when i have sex if i have been masterbating a lot i can fuck for 10 minutes but its hard for me to cum… does this happen to u or is this normal??

Quit masturbating and sex will be much better, the more you masturbate the less you have for sex, that’s the way all guys are, especially when your system is compromised. Hey praying to heal, can you post me your protocol again? Are you taking hcg daily or every other day? You should buy andractim gel and you will have significant improvements, or proviron.

I am ordering the peptide now.
Did you ordered it JustQuitDut?

I agree with the fact that upregulating of 5AR helps the situation greatly from what I have read. However, as something to consider, if 5AR wasn’t working, DHT would be non existent in our body and be gone, but this is not the case.

Not sure what to make of it. Can you test 5AR before you do this?

Too many variables. How to reconstitute? Dosing? long term affordability? Purity? Safety?

Any progress made with this peptide?

Yeah, any progress, please share dude

This was ordered but labs refused to deliver as the guys who ordered it did not belong to a lab or research facility

So for 4 years no one has been able to even try this?

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Literally the one treatment that makes the most sense out of anything I’ve read on this forum. Sad…

Cause labs are controlled…

This has never been tried in humans. What dose would you take and how, injections? What if you injected too much 5ar2 and downregulated 5ar1 and your brain melted?

Plus its synthetic, what if your autoimmune considers it a threat and wipes whatever is left from your 5ar2?

I would only consider this as a viable therapy if done by a doctor who has studied pfs only

Great post. What if immu system sees that as a thread - this is so interesting what you are saying.

Little changes in hormones levels caused by body itself leed to rebalancing.
But if hormones are decreased or increased extremely body cannot handle it (AR cannot handle it). So attacking dht or 5ar (antibodies) is obvious. Problem is that antibodies might not only attack in that specific way. What if other things like the nerves are attacked when dht is there? Antibodies then might not be able to distinguish.

There is an interessting doc treating nerve inflammation.