3AHD reduces excess DHT to 5-AA?

Hi everyone, found this on a forum:

Had you heard about 3AHD and 5-AA ?

The enzyme is called 3A-HSD. It’s been discussed on here previously.

It reduces DHT to a less potent androgen (3A-diol), but is an important precursor to neurosteroids. (such as allopregnanolone)

Since Propecia users were found to have typically low levels of neurosteroids, there isn’t any evidence to suggest this enzyme is overactive.

There is also the 3B-HSD enzyme. This reduces to 3b-diol, which is an estrogen agonist. An Italian study found Propecia users to have excess amounts of this hormone, which could explain our symptoms of estrogen dominance. However, independent tests of this hormone from users on here havn’t validated this theory.

Hope this clears it up.

Hi Danny, thanks a lot! Indeed I was confused by what he said as I had never heard about such an enzyme and I didn’t know that was the function of 3A-HSD…
i see these names all the time, they are just so familiar i dont even think of checking sometimes whats their real function…

Allopregnanolone is a metabolite of Prog.

Prog-5aDHP via 5AR

5a-DHP-allopregnanolone via 3a-HSD.

3a-HSD also converts DHT-3a-diol and like you said DHT converts to 3b-diol via 3b-HSD

My 3b-diol has been flagged low twice since 2013 in blood. Do you by chance have the results from the Italian study that shows the 3a-diol and 3b-diol in control VS PFS groups