3 under-discussed routes

Has anyone - or know anyone - who gone down either these three routs (or before) and care to explain?

Penile implant? How satisfied are you?

Also, I read they grow penises now on rabbits? Would be be possible to give them cell samples that hopefully haven’t been completely fucked by finasteride and have them grow us another one? Possible an XL sized one? If we can get our t levels up with clomid and then have a penis with functional receptors and everything maybe that’ll fixed the problem. Now is, how can we replace functional receptors in the brain in order to have higher libido etc.

Or for those of us who are just fucking tired of this shit…
Dignitas Swittzerland Assisted Suicide? What made you chose this route if you haven’t already gone down it?

Antcraven, an old member of the Yahoo group, got one:


You’re talking about organ/tissue regeneration, which is still in its infancy in terms of medical treatment/science. Therefore, it could be years, or decades.

This is not a good idea, and as unfortunate as the situation may be, suicide is not an answer. I would urge you to reconsider this and not to propose this as a “treatment” option. In general, there are men who have made improvements with time. If you have been off the drug only for a few months/year, it is likely you will see improvements in various areas, in the future.

Dignitas costs a fortune and you need rather special circumstances don’t you? if i was in the US and able to purchase a powerful gun i would do it that way. I have considered a 2-3 story bridge face first and lying in front of a train.


I recently stumbled across the above article which appears to be very promising for future developments. As a summary, researchers were able to take muscle derived stem cells and inject them in the penile tissue of rats who had neurological erectile dysfunction. The results of the study showed there was considerable restoration of function. This would be directly applicable to guys suffering from a neurologically caused problem and seems like it could be much closer to acceptance than growing tissue replacements on surrogate rabbits.

I think stem cell therapy may potentially prove helpful, of course depending on what actually is the cause of our problems, but in terms of repairing damaged cells etc if that turns out to be the problem, this may very well be a solution.

I have come across some research where stem cells are intravenously administered into rats, for example to reduce neurological functional deficits after stroke in rats stroke.ahajournals.org/content/32/4/1005.long , and also positive effects have been seen on rats with parkinsons disease etc.
Medical researchers anticipate that adult and embryonic stem cells will soon be able to treat cancer, Type 1 diabetes mellitus, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, Celiac Disease, cardiac failure, muscle damage and neurological disorders, and many others… so perhaps there will be some benefit to us aswell. So maybe there will be some hope for us, fingers crossed.

I think our problem is at the penile/testicular level and the neurological level. Maybe stem cells can heal the damage done to the penis/testicles, but how do we fix the neurological problem in order to help with libido, good mood, sleep, etc. Do they inject stem cells into the brain these days? I don’t think so.

I’d totally be willing to give my penis, balls, and prostate numerous shots of stem cells with the hope of reviving them.

The fact that people have normal hormonal levels but still suffer side effects to me indicates a cellular/molecular malfunction. Hopefully stem cells can fix this.

I was wondering if there are any smart MDs and PhDs dumb enough to have taken propecia, but who may be able to help out with research and clinical trials and hopefully speed up the process. I personally would offer my self as a Guinea pig to inject some stem cells or whatever.

Does anyone know, how possible would it be to get human stem cells and inject them into a willing person’s member. I’m hoping this could restore all the damage done to tissue, cells, receptors, etc.

Also, does anyone know if it would be possible to determine which other cells express 5ar1, 5arII, and 5arIII, that way if we have stem cells to repair cells damaged in the process of converting testosterone into DHT. I read somewhere 5arII or III (can’t remember) is even expressed in the spinal cord.

What are everyone’s thoughts?

I’m thinking, if we fix all the necessary cells with the enzymes and receptors, and then try to normalize hormone levels, maybe that will help us much more that just playing around with hormones, vitamins, and heavy metals.

Here is an example of what I’m talking about…


Stuff like this may have to be done first before you start normalizing hormones…


I have always had hope that stem cells could play a big part in our recovery.

I believe anyone discussing methods of suicide needs to find a different forum.

i was thinking about that tooo!!! shit seriously that could be recovery gold right there