3 days on finasteride

I recently decided to take generic finasteride 1mg per day to combat my hairloss. within the 2nd day i noticed sore testicles and difficulty urintating. After the 3rd day i quit the drug as i read some reviews online and began to worry.

The day after I quit the drug, i could not get an erection at all, and my penis definitely got smaller in length and width. I remained calm as I new it would take time.
Went to the doctor and told him my issues after 7 days and no change, he said to reamain calm, and let my body readjust. In the meantime he gave me a prescription for 10mg cialis. This worked extremely well and i was satisfied.

It has now been two weeks and things are begining to get better. I can get an erection with stimulation although not as hard as pre fin. However im sure with time that will change.

My main concern is the size of my penis. Will this return back to its normal size? Has anyone experienced these issues? Is it possible I can crash after only 3 days?

Unfortunately, yes. Good luck.

That’s scary stuff, the fact that so little of this drug can cause serious, short and long term side effects makes it hard to understand how it was FDA approved

just wanted to give an update.

I expericenced a crash about a week ago, brain fog, flu like symptoms, difficulty urinating, very soft erections although i still get the moring and spontaneous ones, but still very soft. I am completely depressed as my uncertainty for recovery.

If anyone has any suggestions or thoughts on my chances of recovering or what i could do, I would really really appreciate that thanks.

Eat raw fruits and vegetables, avoid stimulants, get enough sleep, do some light exercise every day. Stay positive. Good luck!

In addition avoid alcohol, other drugs, paleo diet, don’t ejaculate of masturbate too much as it has preceded crashes more than once as reported on this board.

Thanks for the tips, i will certainly use them and update my progress in the upcoming weeks.

Just my personal suggestion: I would take some over the counter supplement for “adrenal fatigue” (although I hate the expression “adrenal fatigue”, but that’s how they market the supplements). If you can’t find them, a good vitamin B complex may help too.

Do NOT drink alcohol, do NOT do too much sport, do NOT stay up too late, avoid sugars.


Its been about 3 weeks since my last crash and things have been slowly getting better. I simply just took the advice of other members on this forum, and seemed to work well. I would say that I am about 75% recovered.

Another thing that helped me was trying not to think about it too much, and continuing with day to day activities,(school,gym, and hanging with friends). I realized that things could be a lot worse. Feeling depressed and having brain fog and gyno seems more serious than erectile dysfunction. Although i understand how much of an impact it can have on our lives, sometimes putting things in perspective helps.
In the last 3 weeks I would have some good days and bad ones, so its not perfect. I have not taken any kind of supplement as i just want to give my body some time to recover fully.


I also did Propecia for 3 days. I took 3 pills total, on the 2nd day I started seeing strong similar symptoms with pain in the testacles and the sexual side effects. I stopped taking it and it improve slightly but they have continued a week later after stopping it. Reading this and other stories I am really hoping they will improve and things will return to normal in the coming weeks. Was wondering if there are any other suggestions to help improve the process and another thing I noticed that I was wondering if Knicks18 or anyone else saw is that I am seeing my hair fall out after stopping the drug after only 3 days.

On my pillow and when I am combing my hair each day I see hairs coming out. I know this did not happen before until after stopping the drug. Was wondering if anyone else saw something like this and if it may grow back or not.

Its early days yet for you and most likely you should find your side effects resolve in time.

Regarding hair loss, nobody cares about it here anymore, if that is your concern pls post on hair loss sites.

More than likely you should be fine. Just keep drinking and ejaculating to a minimum. for a month or two.