Has anyone else heard about studies on 2d 4d ratios and how they effect testosterone levels estrogen levels and possible androgen receptors and sensitivity to testosterone? The length difference seems to be related to how much testosterone and estrogen you’re exposed to as a fetus and how sensitive you are to them and males tend to have lower ratios between their ring finger and pointer finger. Has anyone looked into this or thought about it as it relates to pfs do most people on here have high or low ratios and what could that mean? I’ll post a link to studies and an article on it.
My index is 2.75 and my ring finger is 3.25 which make my 2d4d ratio just under .85 could this be linked to why we crashed in the first place or why i recovered or be unrelated?
interesting question! so your in the very very low section of the normal distribution. i learned in a video of robert sapolsky that 2d4d ratio is very important in brain organisation. the lower the ratio, the more “masculine” the brain works. anyway im at 0.9 and became a real pussy after fin.
did you try exogenous androgens to evaluate how you react to them? DHT put me in god mode but worsend insomnia too.