26 year old with bph... also dry eyes

Hi all – I’m 26 years old and was in finasteride/propecia (1mg) for about two years for hair loss. I started having problems with dry eye about 8 months ago and then was diagnosed with meibomian gland disease/meibomitis. Dry eye issues are often tied to hormones so I stopped taking Propecia in hopes that it would help. I haven’t restarted propecia but my dry eye issues are only slightly better.

About a month ago I noticed my urine looked thick so I went to my doc for tests… He said the tests were normal but thought I might have a prostate infection anyway and put me on antibiotics. I went back a couple days later and the doc then did a prostate check and found that my prostate was enlarged. He sent my to a urologist who diagnosed me with BPH. He said that I could go on proscar if I want but that if I am not having any major symptoms there isn’t much reason to go on it. He said that it is rare but not impossible for someone my age to have BPH

Combining the prostate issues with the dry eye issues makes me wonder if my hormones did not return to normal levels after quitting propecia. Should I go back to my regular doc and tell him I want hormone tests – and which ones should I get?

I have insurance but for cost reasons I still would prefer not to get a whole battery of tests done unless I am fairly confident I have a real hormone problem.

I see that a lot of people here have the opposite problem – that denying their prostate dht has caused it to shrink. Does anyone know anything about the ties between estrogen levels and bph? I know estrogen levels are related to dry eye issues (which is why women have more problems with this…)

Has anyone else here had problems with BPH months after quitting propecia?

–thanks for your time!

How intersesting, youre located in Chicago like me… Go see Dr. John Crisler… Hes in Lansing Michigan about 3 hours from us.

There have been others who thought their prostates were enlarged or had prostatis including at least one guy who was having difficulty urinating. There’s a short list of tests to be done in the hormone and blood test section:


Dry eyes are linked to incorrect androgen activity in the body. I’ve got them as do many other people. First thing first: get tested. Most people don’t have luck with their general doctor so it might be good to bypass him and visit one of the propecia docs. They tend to be more expensive but the value is worth it in the long run IMO.


You could solve the problem of meibomitis? I have the same problem.

I am interested in exchanging information with you.
