24 to 34 mg Once Weekly High Dose Oral Finasteride in the Treatment of Severe Nodulocystic Acne

Id like to see these results.

There will be 180 male subjects in this study. The study is composed of a Screening Period of up to 30 days during which inclusion / exclusion criteria will be reviewed, screening laboratory results will be obtained and medication washouts will be done as required. Subjects will complete the sexual function questionnaire and depression scale. A one day Baseline Period (Day 0), during which baseline assessments of acne lesion counts, physical examination and Investigator’s Global Assessment Scale will be done. The Baseline Period will be followed by a 12-week randomized double-blind Treatment Period, in which subjects will be randomized into Finasteride 23.5 mg group, 33.5 mg group, or placebo group. During the Treatment Period, subjects will visit the study site Day 14, Day 28, and Day 56 for acne lesion counts and review of diaries, concomitant medications and adverse events. On Day 84 subjects will return to clinic for acne lesion counts and review of diaries, concomitant medications, adverse events and remaining study drug will be counted and collected. A physical exam and vital signs, Investigator Global Assessment, Subject Assessment of Efficacy, depression scale and sexual function questionnaire will be completed before the subject is discharged from the study.


How bout no

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This is complete madness. These people will be stopped by nothing.

Also, sample size is small enough so as not to detect PFS with statistical significance.

I am sure they will try to boost the sexual dysfunction reports in the placebo group by asking very broad questions (did you have an erection today?). Plus, they will attempt to classify it without regard to severity so that PFS is indistinguishable from transient low libido.


If the drug company are going ahead with these trials then they surely don’t fear the Foundations petition to ban Fin. There is no way they would be doing these trials if they thought the drug was going to be banned. They must have spoken with the FDA first.


Well, that’s interesting. Almost like the acne drug and the hairloss drug act on the same systems, resulting in the same outcomes.

33.5mg of Finasteride? Rather you than me!

It is not Merck. A different company is doing this.


I don’t think it’s going to be any different than say 5mg. I think finasteride’s effectiveness stops changing past 2mg or so.

And the fast that they’re doing it once weekly… Their hormones are going to be going up and down. The study will probably just conclude that Fin isn’t good for acne.

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If you are doing it once a week you need a higher dose to stay in the effective range. The higher dose also likely inhibits a higher percent of DHT, even marginally.

I also think the higher dose is more dangerous for PFS. Some people will be instantly castrated with the first pill.


Good point Greek hopefully that applies to the symptoms to.

Holy crap. The guys here who got hospitalised with less than one 1mg pill. Imagine if they’d took 24 or 34mg. Could be Instant death. This is truly disturbing.


Maybe then people will wake the fuck up

It won’t be an instant death as Finasteride is not toxic to my knowledge. It will be instant castration and lobotomy though which, it could be argued, is pretty close.


Finasteride definitely got rid of my acne, but it also made me look 10 years older, so I would not recommend it as a treatment. LOL


180 souls sacrificed. Did they have a God?

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This is absolute fuckery, how the hell is this even a good idea to these sick fucks conducting this horrific experiment. 24-34 mg that’s fucking mad for a single dose, think out of 180 a good majority are gonna have some severe form of PFS and they’ll probably cover it up.


Let’s not speculate, yes sample size is small but not because concealing truth large sample size will be in phase 3. I am sorry for that guys though may the Lord have mercy on them.
May be they discover something like it might be more effective to take large single dose once a week who knows.


0.25mg even.

The trial ended several years ago. Wonder if the results are available…

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