23 and Me Data Collection and Analysis

Hi guys,

One of my friends has the expertise to analyze biostatistics and even though he does not have PFS, he took the drug at one point and is sympathetic to the cause. I’d like to collect everybody’s raw data to see if certain genes show up in the population much more frequently than average. This might not result in anything but I think it’s worth a quick look.

For those of you who have done 23andMe will you send your raw data to PFS23andMe@yahoo.com? If you want to stay anonymous, send it to the email address with a throw away email account. But tell me by DM on Propecia Help and in the email your username so we can verify you aren’t somebody from Merck trying to ruin the data.

Let me know your thoughts on this.

I just sent mine to you. I hope others do too :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot. This is the first submission i got. Feel free to send it from an anonymous email address even but please just send it with your forum user name so I can confirm its from a real user.

Once I get a handful, we’ll check to see if any genes universally show up across all patients. This might be an overly ambitious project, but I figure it can’t hurt so why not try?

I sent you mine as a password protected *.zip file, I’ll send you the password with a private message. Please treat this with confidentiality, before giving it to your friend you should remove any reference to usernames etc. You can keep the reference in a private separate list that you only have.

BTW, other people have used a statistical approach, the most interesting and effective that I found is from Mario Vitali: solvepfs.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=354

Can you give more info on how exactly he is doing the data analysis and what he is looking for?

The idea is to look and see if certain genes show up across all PFS patients. If we find some genes that are in every single PFS patient, we can look them up in SNPedia to see if they are associated with anything interesting related to 5-AR or hormones.

This may be an ambitious project, but nobody else is doing it, and I don’t think it can hurt to build a database of PFS patient genomes.

Does he have data analysis software that will run and compare all the raw data?

I’ll send a DM with a little more info of what we’re thinking of doing but the basic answer is yes.

It seems like researchers in China already identified genes that were manipulated by the absence of 5ar.

So has research from Italy identified neuro-steroids affected.

I think everyone using fin gets side-effects. Some either aren’t aware or are hiding it.

The key is to return certain cells/genes to pre-fin state and re-activate certain receptors.

Our bodies need a push to return/adapt to its former state.

I have mine, I will send it over at some point in the near future. I think everyone should do this. Isn’t there a ton of research backing up methylation issues? I, personally, have numerous MTHFR issues and just recently started slowly treating those, working closely with an intelligent doctor who works with holistic health and was interested in running tests before shoving drugs down my throat. :slight_smile:

There is someone over on solvepfs who I know was compiling a spreadsheet for people’s 23andme data at one point. I think he had around a dozen. I don’t recall seeing any smoking gun, but again… it seemed like a ton of the guys had methylation issues. Verrrry curious.