Comes out August 4th every year since 2013…until this year?? Still haven’t seen it…
I’m curious how much of the 270k they have raised since the project Milano announcement was made?
It will be released in days
Yep just read it…same ol same ol…study funding only at 15 percent 255k left to go…pfs= pretty fuckin slow…lol
Give us money maybe by 2027 we can tell u more maybe not??? Some of us barely hanging on with this disease, disabled for years already can’t even walk around anymore physically my life has gone to dust…
In summary, there is still a long way to go before treatment. Let’s take a closer look at it every five years.
Lack of urgency, across the board Is extremely disappointing. Hence the spljnter groups and people looking elsewhere for help. Not an easy choice…Regardless Melcangi needs funding and without this we’ll see avoidable delays. The Biomarker could be a huge milestone.
Supporting all research remains the way to go.
Notice john Santmann doesn’t even sign it anymore…hmmm
Forget about this forum, it’s not helping your situation. That’s a fact