2023 fundraising target reached!

Earlier this year we announced our upcoming genetics study at Tampere University and set a fundraising target of €200,000 for 2023.

This month, three generous private donors have contributed a total of €100,000 to our efforts. This funding brings our total raised in 2023 to €290,000 and allows us to fully fund upcoming research at the University of Tampere.

It also puts us well on our way to our next fundraising target.

2024 fundraising target

Although both pilot studies are funded, it’s important that we maintain our current fundraising pace.
We are setting a new fundraising target of €200,000 for 2024. With recent donations, we are already almost halfway there with roughly €110,000 to go.

How funds will be used

At our recent scientific conference in Tampere, our new scientific advisory panel advised us on several ways our research in Kiel could be optimised.

One suggestion is to increase the number of control samples. This is an easier and cheaper way of increasing the statistical power of the study, and any possible signal we may find.

Another recommendation is to treat patient samples in this same study using DHT, to replicate the environment cells experience during post-drug withdrawal.

If this new target is met, funds may be earmarked for such purposes.

Researchers are also keen to ensure we continue fundraising efforts while our first two studies are underway.

It is important that funds are available for future studies to avoid unnecessary delays caused by new fundraising campaigns.

How you can get involved

We are heartened by the efforts of the patient community. Grassroots fundraising is an important underpinning of our progress over the last two years and these efforts do not go unnoticed.

Our fundraising theme for 2024 is friends and family.

2 of 3 recent significant donations came from the family and loved ones of patients. When family and friends contribute to PFS research, they contribute in a far more meaningful way.

The average total amount contributed by family and friends of PFS patients, on a per donor basis, is over €8000.

As we start our new fundraising drive, we urge patients to talk about their disease with family and friends, and ask them to consider making matching donations to PFS Network where possible.

Last month, PFS Network received 89 individual donations with an average value of $82.

If these monthly donations were matched once, we would reach our annual fundraising target in seven months. If these monthly donations were matched twice, we would reach our target in five months.

Please do not underestimate the kindness of loved ones.

What comes next

We have begun the sample collection process for our genetics study.

For the medium term, we do not have any major research projects planned. We have been advised that these two studies are more than sufficient at this stage.

We understand patients often want progress to occur rapidly, but we ask that you please remember the scientific process takes time.

In the interim, we urge patients who are motivated to contribute to get in touch.

Our charity is always looking for volunteers to assist with running our YouTube channel, organising awareness efforts and leading fundraising activities. You can reach us by simply replying to this email.

Thank you for your incredible support.


This bombarding cells with dht to simulate the post drug environment the cells undergo after stopping finasteride is extremely interesting and intriguing…