2021 Annual pfs Address


Seems very positive. I’m going to start donating monthly again. I was shocked that 45 people contact the foundation by e-mail every month.


How many more are suffering that don’t know the cause. I expect there are also many who took it for years and developed sides periodically who never get answers medically and are told its stress or ageing or both.


Thanks for posting this up, @holyhead.

I think the Foundation are owed some credit for this. That’s a really very persuasive letter.

I think what I see here, and with my friends in PFS Network’s plans and projects is growing momentum. The ball is starting to roll and we are finally starting to get somewhere.

I think it’s going to need us all to keep maintaining and adding to that momentum, but we are getting somewhere. If everyone plays a part, we’ll get to the destination sooner.


Is there a way to put this out in an email blast to every news outlet possible?

I can see if I could write a program that would just continually forward this link or any information to any email address provided.

This is something that needs to be seen and not just on this site that many still don’t know exists.


That’s something for the Foundation to do really. This is their content to share.

The truth is that media outlets aren’t waiting for press releases about drug side effects.

There needs to be a story to tell, for while for you this may be a catastrophe, the stats and figures do not add up to a story that will get clicks, viewers or readers. And that’s the name of the game.

There IS a scandal and a story here, but stories are about people, not stats, generally speaking. If someone were to tell your local news what happened to them and had those figures to back it up, there’s something of a story there that they might be interested in, but the figures alone won’t make for a story that many places would put out. Certainly not mainstream news.



We’ll be doing a big push with the media to coincide with the release of our new podcast series and (hopefully) studies, and it will be people’s stories that get their attention the most.