2019 book “The Body” unveils 27 crucial tidbits about sleep


I am not affiliated with seller or author. It is an amazing book, essentially a condensed medical school education. It does not reference PFS, however.

As I’ve reported several times, I am extremely fortunate to have entirely recovered by June 2017 from worst-case scenario PFS that began June 2014 naturally/inexplicably EXCEPT “freakishly impossible” sleep dysfunction, caused by 15 years daily FIN use. (I very rarely sleep, survive on short “rest naps” randomly every day!:flushed:).

Anyways, I carefully read the “Sleep” chapter and took detailed notes to educate myself on this crucial life function:

  1. Sleep is critical but still largely a mystery.
  2. We don’t know why we must lapse into unconsciousness bc sleep beneficial functions could occur awake.
  3. Uncertain how or why lack of sleep can be fatal. (No sign of trauma after death)
  4. Nightly tune-up for body: resets immune system, cleans out neurotoxins, consolidating memories, restoring hormonal balance
  5. Hibernating animals sleep regularly, coma other times
  6. Some animals 1/2 brain sleep (birds when flying long distances)
  7. REM sleep may only warm up brain but possibly critical for mental development, babies 50+% REM sleep
  8. Men are erect 2 hours night
  9. We keep track of edge of bed during sleep, probably genetic from tree-dwelling days
  10. Normally only takes 5-15 minutes to sleep
  11. 4-5 sleep cycles a night
  12. Don’t need alarm clocks, normally brain will wake up at desired time mysteriously
  13. Dreams may be random sorting of info; we don’t normally remember them
  14. 1/3 of eye cells solely detect brightness/darkness; blind peeps can still utilize these cells!
  15. Scientists do not understand melatonin’s relationship to sleep, just helps us detect daylight.
  16. Adenosine builds up in brain over time, makes you irresistibly sleepier. Caffeine temporarily counters it, perks you up.
  17. 7-9 hours sleep normal, varies by age
  18. Schools start too early for teens’ sleep cycle
  19. We get significantly less sleep than 50 years ago, 8.5 hours -> 7 now
  20. 10-20% peeps suffer insomnia due to various causes
  21. Sleep deficiency may contribute to Alzheimer’s
  22. Lose weight to reduce snoring, which can cause sleep apnea, waking up briefly bc airways are constricted
  23. “Fatal familial insomnia” is very rare inherited total inability to sleep.
  24. Narcolepsy is incurable rare condition severely disrupting normal wakefulness
  25. Brain cells shrink 60% during sleep, allows fluids to clean out neurotoxins, which explains why you feel refreshed after waking
  26. 17yo in 1963 stayed awake for 11 days, not harmed!
  27. Yawns are total mystery, can trigger it in others!
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I know of Bill Bryson , he is British right?? your sleep issues sound extreme…I had them too for the first 2 months after quitting finasteride (handfuls of nights of ‘absolute zero sleep’ where sometimes I considered walking into ER to get help ) it wasn’t fun at all and I’m glad I’m through it . Not by any means cured of sleep dysfunction yet but it is 80% back . Eszopiclone helped me get back into the pattern for 3 months and now I discontinued that and can get a good night sleep from a cup of Ovaltine and a Melatonin (1 month after quitting finasteride that wouldn’t have done anything and I’d be guarenteed a night without sleep!) so I have definitely come on a lot better. I though you were taking Belsomra and that was working for you?

Time to take the survey please @Forwardsnotbackwards.

As @Greek requested, please complete the survey man. We all have ample time on our hands, it’s wise to use it constructively. Even in spite of the fact it’s of huge benefit to you, surely you can spare an hour of gratitude for the moderators who devoted so much of their time to creating it?