2 syndromes (endocrine disruption)

**Post Finasteride Syndrome **
Post Aromatase Syndrome

I have two of these syndromes and all I can say it that my body is shutting down, I think I have about a year or less to live.

My memory right now is extremely bad, I have woke up on numerous occasions and couldn’t tell you where I was, leaving cooker on, burnt myself twice from clumsiness, forgetting names, having problems verbalising my thoughts and slurring in my speech, my eyes are severely dry with visual snow and image distortion, sleeping maximum 3 hours a night and can pass out from exhaustion just about anywhere, my stomach is producing really low levels of bile and causing IBS and multiple food sensitivities, ligaments, tendons have lost all tensile strength which is causing me horrendous pain, keep getting muscle spasms and body jerking, really bad chest pains followed by tarchadia, severe liver pains, accumulation of fat around the mid section, numbness at the ends of finger tips and toes, also extremely sensitive to the cold, osteoarthritis that is crippling me and can no longer walk without use of a back brace and knee straps etc, etc.

After crashing from the AI the slightest exercise now gives me severe disabling brain fog that can land me in bed for weeks this leads me to believe that PolyQ toxicity must be happening and neurons are dying off at an accelerated rate which has now badly affected my nervous system as I have numbness in both hands and feet alongside severe GERD.

I want to make this clear I don’t exaggerate what is happening to me here I am physically dying from this, it is killing me.

Which AI did you take at what dose and for how long? Sorry that this is happening to you man.