Success stories from a hairloss forum:
*** Here is the post from HT55, a guy who recovered using
Clomid/HCG/Nolvadex: … SGDBTABLE=
"…I also use Nizoral 2% 2x a week, Propecia is not an option as it
screwed up my HPTA but I was lucky enough to have it return to normal
after 2 years off propecia.
My only real side effect of Propecia was real bad Gyno, I had it
removed and it grew back ! That’s when I found out my Test level was
190 at age 33 !! The strange thing was my sex drive was still high
and I was bench pressing over 300# at a bodyweight less than 200.
I went on Nolvadex, Clomid, and HCG in various combinations and doses
for 2 years before my HPTA was able to recover without any drugs. I
was on Propecia for about 7 years and never did I have any ED before
sex and maybe a few times after the first round.
I usually recover quite quickly so that was strange for me. The guys
on the Yahoo group seem to have different problems."
*** Here is a post from Killswitch, the guy who recovered using TRT: … SGDBTABLE=
"…I had the same libido issue,I quit taking it 11 months ago.My
girlfriend can vouch that not only did I have no desire for sex,a
problem maintaining erections,but I didn’t even really masturbate
anymore.I am starting to get back to normal now after seeing a
I had a borderline low testosterone level.People can scream all they
want that that it is in your head,too many people have gone through
this.I used to get aroused when the wind blew and could punch a hole
through steel with it.
All I can recommend to anyone is do not take this drug,it obviously
can do a lot of damage.If you are on it I would get off.All the hair
in the world means nothing if you don’t want ass. The 2% side effect
is BS…
…When I went to see my urologist I simply explained to him my
libido issue,I did not tell him I was previously on Propecia.I wanted
a straight up test to see where my numbers stood.He actually gave me
a physical exam and was very sympathetic but said it was probably all
in my head.He went into detail about testosterone levels and such but
said I am young and did not need to worry.I am 35.He sent me on my
way with a prescription for Cialis and said if he did not call me
then I should assume my test results were all normal.
Fast forward 2 weeks.I get a call from the Doc telling me my
testosterone levels were borderline low and something about my free
testosterone level being funky.I just knew I felt relieved that this
was not all in my head.Sends me a prescription for testosterone
replacement therapy,a gel you apply daily.It is of course a
controlled substance.
Results were not immediate.First thing I noticed which I had forgot
about was morning wood.Bam,I have been on replacent therapy about 35
days and it just got stronger and stronger.It made me realize though
that I had not really been getting MW anymore,very strange.I am
getting back in the groove with my girlfriend and she actually told
me she can feel how strong I am ,I can feel it too.I feel alive
again,the feelings I had with no libido caused me bad depression.
I was actually a little scared to jump back into sex,it had been a
while and I had a little fear of failure from previous
experiences.Now I am confident and getting horny again.My Doc said I
will stay on for about 5 months then go off and see how I do.I just
can’t describe the feeling of being"normal"again.Hair now simply
isn’t as important anymore.
All I can give is my opinion here.Take it for what it is worth,I am
not a Dr. but I am speaking from first hand experience.I am not going
into the internet research where people have claimed permanent
sides.I would not take this drug ever again or recommend it to
anyone.Obviously true side effects do exist from the number of poor
souls here who have posted.I feel it is a dangerous drug and we do
not know the long term side effects never mind the short term ones we
have seen.I also think it is ridiculous how the numbers are fudged on
the side effects,think about alll the people who have not found this
site yet.
If you have any other questions I’ll be glad and try to help.Don’t
worry,you can fix this."