2 questions for a newbie ...the "pump" at the gym... and FSH

Has anyone noticed this? Before propecia to get the “pump” feeling when i lifted weights. Sort of like blood and pumping into your muscles (don’t know how to describe it). Now I never get that feeling. Does anyone else find that?


my FSH levels were very low. I thought I read on here that this is common in people with post fin side effects. Is this true?

Yep, never get it. Never get horny after working out either whereas before finasteride a heavy weights session would give me erotic dreams, raging morning erections and the rest of it.

The absence of the “pumped up” feeling when working out could be due to impaired NOS pathways. Research L-Arganine and nitric oxide pathways and it’s effects on the body for some more understanding.

Yup, Totally notice it. I used to love that feeling of lifting weights and getting a good pump. It never happens any more and feels ridiculously difficult to lift. I believe this is simply the lack of Free Testosterone. Most of us have extremely low levels of it.

It could potentially be a whole host of things for us.

I agree I loved that feeling at the gym.
Keep faith

Absolutely have lost that pump feeling. I have been lifting weights for 25 years. I always had that pump feeling. Just another thing that sucks. I am convinced this is attributed to PFS. It happened the exact same time.

I hate to necropost, but have only just discovered this thread.

This has been a major issue for me. Not just the “pump” but a lack of sensation throughout my muscles in general, even when stretching I experience significantly reduced reflex pain.

The PSSD guys have this problem too. Seems to fit with anhedonic symptoms.

I figured it may have something to do with the way the brain interprets pleasure/pain. And since PFS & PSSD makes sufferers impervious to pleasure - the lack of “pump” is all part of the holistic misery.

i have got extreme pumped when workout. besides, my testosterone levels is high. I have been suffering from PFS about 57 months now. I had full recovery of testosterone levels in muscle strength.

low libido, never get excited. dry skin.