2 months off Propecia. Diagnosed of depression due to insomnia. Recently experiencing erectile dysfunction

2 months off Propecia. Diagnosed of depression due to insomnia. Recently experiencing erectile dysfunction. Having pain at the tip of penis as well. Don’t know if the antidepressants (Mirtazipine) or Finasteride is causing this problem. Any word?


Hey mate welcome to the forum, i’m sorry you are having a difficult time right now i know how devastating pfs can be, I am in a similar situation to you initially finasteride gave me insomnia issues (which are continuing), and now it appears i’m developing moderate ED issues as well. Is the Mirtazipine helping with insomnia?

Thanks for your reply bro. Mirtazapine is helping with my sleep. But I read that antidepressants like it may cause ED as well so I’m not sure which is the culprit of my ED.

I’ve been off Propecia for 2 months now and my ED symptoms are only showing up at this point.

How long have you been struggling with PFS?

Approaching 6 weeks off fin now. How long did you use finasteride for?

It is possible I suppose that Mirtazapine or finasteride is causing your issues, I think your best course of action is going back and speaking with your doctor about it. Maybe ask him about coming off the Mirtazapine for a while (under your doctors supervision) to see if your issues resolve (potentially look into benzos as a short term band aid for your sleeping issues but be careful). Most of all try to avoid stress and this forum as much as you can until your situation stabilises. Good luck.

I’ve taken finasteride for 2 months as well. Years ago, I was on it on and off and I had no sides. So I figured it was safe to put it back into my system. How about you, how long did you use finasteride?

Yeah I agree. Things can be so exaggerated here. And it’s not going to help to look through all the horrible stories. I am praying and hoping things will get better for the both of us bro

I took it almost 10 years ago when i was 18 for around 2 weeks, got bad sexual sides so came off and they resolved in about a month. I accepted my hair loss and didn’t even really care about it to any significant extent lol, but left those damn pills in my cupboard and just took one (0.25 mg) impulsively about 6 weeks ago (thinking that those sides from years ago may have been psychosomatic) i decided not to take it again and forgot about it. About half a week later i got severe insomnia which got better but is still bad (3-4 hours seep a night).

Anyway yeah same here mate just give it time and be as positive as you can. Even if i don’t recover completely I’ll find a way to cope, millions of people deal with difficult situations and get by it just sucks that we did this to ourselves with a fucking hair loss drug.

Thanks for sharing mate. Do you experience sexual sides now tho (ED, pain in penis or testicle)?

Yes loss of morning erections, mild ed (can get erections still with manual stimulation), pain around prostate penis and balls (kind of like a dull ache on and off).

Sorry to hear this man. Let’s keep each other posted and I hope we’ll be okay in a few weeks time. Stay strong bro.

I tried masturbating twice but still could not make an erection. My doc told me that my prostate is quite large so he gave me Alfuzosin 10mg to relax the muscle. But Im afraid it made things worse because i can no longer get an erection at all. I will stop taking it and see how it goes.