2 days off finpecia

I have been taking propecia for 7 years. I initially did notice a slight loss in sex drive for a week but that almost came back to normal after a week. i still experience some trouble keeping a hard on for long but its rare like maybe 15% of times i have sex. I am 29 now and have maintained a healthy life style. I run 4 times a week and have have regular sex with alcohol on weekends n maryjane every once in a while.
Propecia helped me keep my hair however recently i have started noticing a lot of greying of my hair recently however only on the left side. I see an increase in grey pubic hair only on the left side as well as an increase in grey hair one the left side of my scalp.
troubled by this i have gone through all your posts and i am convinced to get off this drug asap.
I am however paranoid about going off if suddenly after suppressing DHT levels for 7 years by using propecia and now suddenly going off the drug may cause problems?
Is there anything you guys can recommend i do before or during or post the process of me stopping to take this drug/poison anymore.

I took finpecia 1mg for 7 years. Recently noticed extra white hair only on the left side of my pubic region and also scalp hair. Started doing research on side effects and today is end of my second day off propecia. I had no libido or sexual problems while on the drug. Since 2 days i have been off the drug and now cannot get an erection since 2 days.

6 days off propecia now. Libido was never affected for all 7 years while on the drug or last 6 days while off the drug. Not had any major side effect for 7 years and no erection first 2 days after quitting cold turkey scared the shit out of me.
Erection came back on day 3 and today is day 6 and have no side effect except for a slight ache in my testicles. I am already starting to see a lot more hair on my towel.
Will control alcohol but Not sure if i can still keep having sex 4-5 times a week as i have for the past 4 years…any thoughts?

See how things play out over next few weeks. Sounds like you are doing well so far.

Try your best not to think about it, you seem like you are coming off the drug perfectly fine and hopefully things will continue that way. If any side effects appear then come back. Bit of a silly question this, but do they call cocaine ‘mary jane’ in India too? and also, why do you now believe that you won’t be able to have sex 4-5 times a week? are you putting that down to the drug?

You need to see a ayuverdic/unani tibb master, there are many great ones in your country. See one immediately before you crash like some here have. This is an emergency and urgent. This could save you! The sooner you start getting treatment the better.

The question is not if i will be physically able to have sex 4-5 times week, im horny as hell, always have been. I am concerned if i should have sex as regularly as i did while i was on the drug (4-5-times in a week).
Most people here have recommended to not masturbate more than once a week and not drink alcohol for a while to avoid a crash. So curious about how often should one have sex when off the drug.

maryjane refers to marijuana here. :wink: