18 Overlooked symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue

There are a lot of symptoms on this list that I have not seen mentioned before as side effects of adrenal fatigue. I have many of these symptoms. I have been crazy busy with work the last few weeks, but I’m planning to have my endo dr do a test for my adrenals or thyroid.

I thought it was rather interesting that this website lists heart sounds as a possible side effect of adrenal fatigue. I recall reading a couple of posts by guys saying they had a heart murmor.

I still have many of these symptoms, especially muscle weakness.

Has anyone here used Prednisone for treating possible cortisone deficiency? This website says anyone that responds well to corticosteroids should be checked for adrenal fatigue.

naturalnews.com/024985_corti … tigue.html

Yes, i did use Prednisone, because i had a lung inflammation due to food alergies last year (never had this prior to propecia). It seemed to calm down my adrenals, i became more calm and the depression vanished. Suddenly i wasn’t irritable anymore or always in a bad mood. My sleep improved a lot. But, on the other hand i became a little lethargic, and slow in the morning. Basically i think Finasteride pushed my adrenals to work like a Cushing disease patient (overwork). And Prednisone pushed my adrenals to work like a Addison disease patient (after finasteride). The healthy state is somewhere in between. If your metabolism seems to be going too fast, and you re having depression and irritability, i think it is worth a try. But you need to be very careful with the dosage, so it does not shut down your adrenals completely.

I have used Prednisone quite often in my life because i have always had respiratory alergies. If it is used for no longer than five consecutive days, it is quite safe. Before finasteride, i ve used Prednisone about ten times over twenty years (whenever i had a crisis), always for no longer than five days, and always followed by my Pneumologist. Never had a problem. When someone is in an alergy crisis, the adrenals overwork and and create an inflammation as a defense to a threat to the body, which for me has always been mildew, mold, and dust mites (prior to propecia). So Prednisone is supposed to slow down your adrenals for a couple of days, so the body heals the inflammation and the allergic reaction. It needs to be taken for a short period of time, because it can shut down completely ones adrenals in 14 days.

Now, look how Propecia has fucked up my metabolism: Last year my allergies started to change from respiratory to food allergies (My Pneumologist said: - I can’t understand this, a little change in ones allergic patterns over a lifetime is expected, but i ve never seen someone that has changed so much in so little time. Plus you re quite young - her words ). So, immediately after i ate shrimp sometime last year (again, i ve always eaten shrimp every month with no problems, it was my favorite food), i felt a strong pain, like crushing my lungs and my throat. I had to force my self to breathe deep. I rushed to my doctors office, and i knew i had no alternative but take Prednisone. If you don’t treat this, you can die. I was expecting my body to react the same way it has always done to Prednisone, but this time, it pretty much shut down my adrenals, even though i took the same dosage and for the same five days as always, my body now reacts different. Thanks Merck.
So if anyone here is considering Predinisone, don’t take it for more than five days, and use it very low dosage. Like 5 or 10 mgs a day or so. (i had to take 20 miligrams every twelve hours, for 5 days).

i have adrenal fatigue as well.
Bloodwork shows it.

Thanks Finasteride.

thanks, correiovip for the explanation regarding Prednisone.

I am going to wait to see how the tests come back regarding adrenals & thyroid. I just went for a new blood test this morning. This should be interesting. I tested for all of the usual things T, TSH, but my new dr added GH, PSA, Cortisol and bunch of others. I will post as soon as I get the results.

I know I could never fast for a week or two like some the guys here have. I went 14 hours without eating for the blood test and was extremely hungry. I can’t imagine what it would be like after 4 or 5 days of not eating.

High Protein, Low Carbs. You will be fine.

Morning:Scrambled Eggs and 1 serving of peanut butter

Lunch: 6-8oz chicken breast


Inbetween you want to take some supplements like CLA, Green Tea, Arginine, and whey protein(make sure it doesnt have carbs and mix it with water)

I have been doing thi last 5 days and lost like 8 pounds, but most importantly i feel a bit better…Nothing to brag about tho, I’m just trying to get my hormones in a healthy range.

Good Luck!

If you feel good on that diet than you may feel a bit better on the Paleo diet:


That’s it.

Next to an all raw diet, which is extremely cleansing, this diet is my next favorite, and what I’m currently on now. It will change your whole body compisition to a more favorable one that supports the correct hormone ranges. Less estrogen, More Test, etc. After I did it for a week I was sold. No cravings for me whatsoever and I stay completely satisfied. Very compatible with a T boosting regimine.

I hope this works for you guys. I have been eating a preety strict diet, but did not weed out all carbs.

I am going a different route and I’m going to see if this endo can help me. I did quite a bit of research about adrenal fatgue and thyroid problems. I feel I would be very suprised if I don’t test positive for problems in this area. I should have the test results back next week.


you said you tested positive for adrenal fatigue. What specific blood test revealed it? Was it your cortisone level? Also have you tried any treatments at all in terms other than modifing your diet to deal with this? Did you try anything like cortisone replacement?

Mitch said he took armour thyroid and some other supplement and his problems went away. I’m just curious if you haven’t tried any treatments, why you have chosen not to?

thanks, Bostonusa

I got a 24 hour urine analysis…will post the results in a bit…

My cortisone is 91 on a scale of 92-366.
Cortisol is 49 on a scale of 35-168

But get this, 11b-OH-Etiocholanolone(OHET) is 48 on a scale of 134-1186. THIS IS A METABOLITE OF TESTOSTERONE. Clearly i have adrenal fatigue because my DHEA is SKY SKY SKY HIGH in my urine. I clearly have high testosterone in my urine, but on blood tests it shows other wise. Our bodies are not metabolising correctly.

For some reason my test. levels on my blood tests are 312, but in my urine it’s in the 800’s. My body isn’t metabolising efficiently. LH is 4.0 and FSH is 2.0, estradial 18, on blood tests as well.

Here is another user who had low levels like me and experience adrenal fatigue and ED. Link:


Seems like Propecia really SCREWED UP our metabolism. This is why we feel like absolute crap. ie. 3-adiolg(metabolite of DHT) and 11b-(OHET)(Metabolite of Testosterone)

I highly recommend people see Dr. Crisler instead of footing around. He is a very very good doctor, probably the best I’ve ever seen.


thanks for posting those numbers. Wow your Cortisone is off the map. What treatment has Chrisler have you on for restoring your Cortisone back to a healthy state?

Also, is the urine test considered more reliable for Cortisol levels than a blood test? I would have thought it would be the other way around. I just had my blood test done yesterday.

I have never heard of this OHET before, just another thing damm P screwed up for us.

I would consider seeing Chrisler. I finally found a good local endo dr after three trys. I’m sure Chrisler would be a better fit considering his wealth of knowledge about our problem.

More pieces to the puzzle:

  1. Many members have low Adiol-G. This is a metablolite of DHT
  2. DHT and 11b-OH-Etiocholanolone(OHET) are both metabolites of Testosterone which many member have low readings.
  3. Kazman has low inhihibin B levels, which regulate LH and FSH which in turn regulate Testosterone.
  4. Many members also have low Vitamin D, which is linked to low testosterone.

Trying to figure out how these pieces fit together is above my education. Did Dr. Crisler have a theory as to what’s happening anonnn1?

Hi. Any improvements after these years? I’m suffering fatigue too.