1 pill destroyed me 5mg fin [UPDATED]

UPDATED 5/04/23
Welcome to our community. Please fill in the following template as a way of introducing yourself, and helping others to understand your background and situation.

Where are you from (country)?

How did you find this forum (Google search – if so, what search terms? Via link from a forum or website – if so, what page? Other?)

What is your current age, height, weight?
Male ,17, 170cm, 60kg

What specific drug did you use (finasteride, dutasteride, saw palmetto, isotretinoin/Accutane, fluoxetine, sertraline, citalopram, leuprorelin, etc…)?
Finasteride 5mg

What dose did you take (eg. 1 mg/day, 1 mg every other day etc.)?
Proscar 5mg pill once

What condition was being treated with the drug?
For how long did you take the drug (weeks/months/years)?
1 day

Date when you started the drug?
24/03/2023 9 days ago
Date when you quit the drug?
Age when you quit?
How did you quit (cold turkey or taper off)?
cold turkey
How long into your usage did you notice the onset of side effects?
a day after

What side effects did you experience that have yet to resolve since discontinuation?

Check the boxes that apply. You can save your post first, then interactively check/uncheck the boxes by clicking on them. If your symptoms change, please update your list.

[X] Loss of Libido / Sex Drive
[ ] Erectile Dysfunction
[ ] Complete Impotence
[X ] Loss of Morning Erections
[ ] Loss of Spontaneous Erections
[ ] Loss of Nocturnal Erections
[ ] Watery Ejaculate
[ ] Reduced Ejaculate
[ ] Inability or Difficulty to Ejaculate / Orgasm
[ ] Reduced Sperm Count / Motility

[ ] Emotional Blunting / Emotionally Flat
[X ] Difficulty Focusing / Concentrating
[X ] Confusion
[X ] Memory Loss / Forgetfulness
[ ] Stumbling over Words / Losing Train of Thought
[ ] Slurring of Speech
[X ] Lack of Motivation / Feeling Passive / Complacency
[ ] Extreme Anxiety / Panic Attacks
[ ] Severe Depression / Melancholy
[X ] Suicidal Thoughts [RESOLVED]

[ ] Penile Tissue Changes (narrowing, shrinkage, wrinkled)
[ ] Penis curvature / rotation on axis
[ ] Testicular Pain
[ ] Testicular Shrinkage / Loss of Fullness
[ ] Genital numbness / sensitivity decrease
[ ] Weight Gain
[ ] Gynecomastia (male breasts)
[ ] Muscle Wastage
[X] Muscle Weakness
[ ] Joint Pain
[ X] Dry / Dark Circles under eyes

[ ] Prostate pain
[X ] Persistent Fatigue / Exhaustion
[ ] Stomach Pains / Digestion Problems
[ ] Constipation / “Poo Pellets”
[ ] Vision - Acuity Decrease / Blurriness
[ ] Tinnitus (ringing or high pitched sound in ears)
[ ] Hearing loss
[ ] Increased hair loss
[ ] Frequent urination
[ ] Lowered body temperature

[ X] Other (please explain)
**24/7 Migraine like headache --> update headache now comes and goes. lower in intensity

My scalp used to be oily before now its dry

Trembling sometimes

What (if any) treatments have you undertaken to recover from your side effects since discontinuation of the drug?

If you have pre or post-drug blood tests, what hormonal changes have you encountered since discontinuing the drug (please post your test results in the “Blood Tests” section and link to them in your post)?

Anything not listed in the above questions you’d like to share about your experience?

Tell us your story, in your own words, about your usage and side effects experienced while on/off the drug.

I have no story to tell i just got angry after a shower and took a whole 5mg pill
I have a major exam in 2 months and i feel like my intillegnce has declined after taking it
I dont care about the sexual side effects
I just want my brain back as soon as possible
I have feeling that suicide might be the only solution
Ive read a lot of articles , studies , reddit posts, this forums posts, nothing is promising


Very sorry to hear this. I hope your parents are supporting you. The fact that 17 year olds are being prescribed powerful endocrine disruptors like finasteride is beyond comprehension.


Nothing is promising? Cognitive problems usually improve, and a lot of people recover of them. Stay as healthy as possible, dont do stupid things and you will improve!

That exam IS not important. When i was at school i repeated one curse and years later I was doing stochastic calculus at one of the best master degree of my country. Short term thinking is not good


What should i do ? Increase my dht levels? Or increase 5ar production in my body ive read that 5ar-finasteride complex t1/2 = 30 days

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You’re still very early into this and there’s a big chance your side effects will still resolve soon.
Give it at least 3 months. We usually see people recover from side effects within that timeframe.
I understand this is a scary and dehumanizing experience, but it’s far too early to assume the worst.
I highly recommend you don’t make premature choices in the meantime, supplements or hormonal treatments do not work and will not help you feel better.


Nothing. Time and healthy diet. Processed foods and sugar could contribuye to oxidation and inflamation, you could try to fix that. There is nothing more powerful than good rest, eating good and meditation.

You can mess your recovery if you decide to start doing things like supplementing or trying medicines without criteria


Im actually feeling better than the first 3 days but i still feel like something is off . something changed inside of me . The guilt hurts more than the side effects . I am the reason this is happening to me

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It’s not your fault. It’s the fault and failure of the people who continue to tell consumers that these drugs are safe, despite knowing better, and the agencies that are supposed to protect consumers from this type of situation.


If you’re improving in such short time thats so good sign. You also emotional affected by a trauma, you’re possibly better than you think.

Just keep going! Its normal to feel guilt sometimes, but then you will realize that you were pushed to do that


For me, it was actually really interesting to have such intense suicidal thoughts because I just was never that guy before. The first 30 days were the worst, but I’m still really coming out from under that cloud after five months. So, mainly, just know that a lot of your pain right now is physiology, it’s your body and brain. There’s nothing psychological to be done about it. The drug is making you feel awful. So don’t do any self-harming things until you do get your brain back. But, also, brain restoration takes a really long time. You’ve got months and maybe years of recovery ahead. So, take care of yourself like you would after any body-traumatizing injury. Take your time. Drink water. Eat healthy. Get exercise. If you broke your arm you wouldn’t be frustrated with it only a month later. You’d know it takes a year. This recovery happens on that kind of timescale too. It’s really okay if schoolwork and even social life suffer while you’re recovering from a traumatic injury.

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I feel horrible for you man. Getting pfs at 17! I can’t believe they gave you this drug before you turned 18. I also remember my doctor offered me finasteride when I was 16.

Try to hang in there man. Your symptoms will most likely get better with time. We also have studies taking place which will benefit all of us.