Hello All,
I am a 25 y/o Male from the US who recently took my first and only Finasteride pill on (10/25) from a hair loss prescription I had with Hims as I’ve been self conscious about my hair loss ( had a receding hairline since early 20’s) and decided that I would go ahead and give Fin a shot based on reviews, research, and the “statistic” from hims/other studies websites that only 1.6 percent of people had negative side effects And they’d be cured once off the drug.
On 10/25 I took my first fin pill along with the topic Min stuff that you put on your temples/head. Hours later I immediately starting noticing a wide variety of physical and cognitive side effects, such as numbness, limpness, and shrinkage of penis… along with limited sex drive, no libido , head fogginess, getting distracted, etc…
I can still get erect and have been jacking off once/ twice a daybut it has to be off stimulation - no mind to penis connection which has scared the shit out of me. Along noticing decrease in load size.
Writing to you almost a week later and it seems like my head cloudiness has marginally/moderately improved but still experiencing the whole nine yards of sexual problems. The thing I’m most worried about is the shrinkage of my penis when flaccid as it’s very wired and embarrassing to have it sit differently when wearing pants and always have to tug it to try and make it feel alive.
Reading other crap from reddit/forums have stated that in takes weeks and like 30 days to regenerate your hormonal system or imbalance but not sure what to believe.
Im not sure if this is going to be a short term ride or long term journey but wanted to create an account or tips and advice on how to possibly beat this crap.
Thank you for your time