1-day recovery from Celexa

hi, i used the propecia like 6 years ago and i still have the side effects.
this medicine destroyed my life…
i m originally from brazil, i m at canada right now…
like 2 years ago, i took the medicine “celexa” and i suddenly slept few hours later
i woke up with a hard erection and without depression… i was my self again
before the propecia, but this happens only 1 day… after that i keep taking the
medicine “celexa” but nothing happens anymore.
since i stopped propecia i used to exercise, i eat healthy, no smoking or drink,
i tried testosterone therapy , everything you can imagine… and nothing happened…
now i m like the other victims from this drug call propecia…
no libido, depression, anxiety, poor sleep quality, etc…
the most closest i been on the cure when i taking the celexa,
probaly the cure its on the brain…

thanks a lot