Well, new sufferer from France... 6 weeks update

Was on the phone with a French responsible for fps association…
Will have some blood tests and see doctors…

Hello frenchfries,
Your story is very similar to most on here.
I took the drug for 20 years and have all of the sides and morr. It took me a longtime to find the underlying cause of my ever increasing health issues. During my many crashes I have contemplated the unthinkable but pulled back thanks in the main to the support and hope offered from other sufferers. I’ve been off fin for over 1 year now during which time I’ve developed additional sides and had some terrible lows. Over the years I’ve taken many supplements to try to combat the symptoms. I’ve always had an extremely good diet and healthy lifestyle. My diet has changed to try to reduce the effects, often with limited success. Recently I have experienced the odd bounce where my old self appeared without any symptoms. Once for a day and as recently as last week but only for a few hours. This starts with muscle strength, spontaneous erections, recession of symptoms and an improvement in mood. Unfortunately all of the symptoms return however these small windows do give me some hope as while on fin I never once experienced this. Some of the more recent symptoms like profuse sweating, pins and needles have started to fall away more and more frequently. So hang in there you will improve. The long lasting ones are very stubborn. Exercise and distraction techniques are key for me, no matter what stick with it and as others have said do not interfere with your hormones. Hope this helps.

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Thank for this honest post…
Thank for support…

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Help needed !
GF wants to take a break and I can’t really calm down…
Considering bad stuff.
Support appreciated lads.

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We’ve all been here frenchfries, it’s unbelievabley tough, no one outside of PFS understands or can appreciate what were going through Hang on to the fact that it will pass and overtime things have improved for many. Tell yourself it will pass! Think of the positives in your life like your loved ones. Don’t do anything silly or regrettable. We all need each other. As said try exercise, distraction strategies, therapy to help and they really do! Try fasting too that has helped me


What’s the point…

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What’s next? Unable to work? Oh God…

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I tell myself when at the lowest that people with a terminal illness would swap places with us. They don’t have hope we do! Your in the worst place at the moment. Don’t give up. The negative thoughts feed the anxiety etc, try thinking the polar opposite to what your hormones are telling your mind to do. Outage for the buildup via exercise or different thinking will help. It seems hopeless but it is not. Use your other senses eg sight and smell get out there and look at nature. Do mental subtraction from 1000 in 7s it helps lift it even just temporarily but you have to keep doing it

Can I PM you?

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Yes of course mate anytime

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I have

Did u get it?

Ok guys so loodwork has been done.
The very possible profile for the diagnosis would be Hypogonadism.
Need to get a appointment with an end aware of PFS ( I would not go as far as talking of a specialist). I dunno what is next.
So far no improvement : zero erection, zero libido ( mind you with those results…).
Insomnia is still solid though I slept an incredible 6 hours last night.
I have a tendency to overthinking so I find it hard to function nowadays and since I am lucky to be on holiday, I spend a lot of time in my bed mulling over : the icing on the cake is girlfriend is leaving soon.
I know I may improve, but I have to admit I have a fascination for painless death google search… I hate to do that, but the feeling I get in the morning when I open my eyes to remind myself that I am not dreaming is terrible. I have somewhat came to term with my choice of taking Fin. I googled finasteride dangers and thought if any problem I will quit the drug. I was unlucky, they came late and hit hard…


My testosterone levels almost halved during my crash and took around eight months to go back to the range that resembled anything like what they were like prior to finasteride use. My doctor wanted to me to see an endocrinologist. My advice is to avoid going this route for the time being. You are far too early post crash to start meddling with your endocrine system again. Allow your body and brain time.

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You reckon my body can “fight back”?
Thank for your feedback.

Improvement is possible, yes. It can take a long time though and no matter how hopeless it feels, remember that people HAVE improved. The first year is almost always described as the worst by most pfs patients. You have to grip tight during this period.


So 6 weeks into my last intake of the poison ( sorry no other words) Here is where I stand:

  • Sleep has slightly improved. First week off it off in June, I could go through complete insomnia or 3 hours. I can make 6 hours without waking up. Could be better but I have not taken anything to help. I have gone 100 per cent med free ( I started Vit D yesterday, levels are whacked)
  • Mood is low and I can get really dow but T is low. For the time being I am NOT going through the AD route. I am not working now and try to get rest and let my body go natural.
  • Suicide thoughts come and go. Maybe a slight improvement.
  • Emotional blunting is fluctuating. I cried this week after realising the loss in 6 weeks: a quiet, perfect life I thought was ok BUT was ACTUALLY AMAZING… INSATISFACTION SUCKS.
  • Girlfriend gone: my year on fin has made me into an insecure prick : it deteriorated from autumn to spring : I have always been melancholic but fin turned into a sad insecure man. I accepted my GF leaving even if it is hard. Recovery is a lonely path.
  • Blood tests show a clear deficiency in key hormones which might account for symptoms.
    See a PFS friendly endo in France, Lyon.
  • Fatigue fluctuates through the day. I can go three days with full energy then it plummets…
  • Cognition seems ok. English not being my native language, I don’t strive. I had to write a text for a French forum presentation; I got congratulated on the witty, well written piece.
  • Skin can be dry again but has healed.
  • Motivation is still low. I skipped a long awaited music festival I attend each year BUT
    made it to appointments ( I would skip two weeks ago). Went to a birthday party.
  • I get the occasional nocturnals.
  • HUGE IMPROVEMENT : I COULD GET AROUSED AND GETTING INTO FAP this morning. Rock hard erection for 15 minutes. Fapped twice. OK orgasm but extremely watery semen. STILL…
  • Working through food has been hard. I have tried to get rid of anything processed and been eating eggs, fresh vegs, apples, bananas. I am sure diet helps I believe Melcangi’s microbiome findings are relevant.
  • Not steady but I can stink from my armpits sometimes.

I know the road to getting better might be long but this is my “progress” so far.


Well done mate you’ve come a long way in a matter of weeks.

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I can be a pain in the ass though mate ;).
Well, On my watch but trying to work it out.

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How are you doing now frenchfries? @frenchfries