I mean…that they are not strange cases. All the cases have a common origin: from 5 alpha-reductase blockers.

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guys just try to reason with me a little bit. Our issues could very well be caused by HIGH or LOW E2.

ME: I Went on a severe crash diet, low calories and only ate cruciferous vegetables broccoli/cauliflower , chickpea salads etc My e2 is low at 12.5pg/ml (11-45 range)

INVICTUS; His was from SOY. It is well known that SOY is very estrogenic and should be avoided. Im wondering if he spiked his E2 up for a long time and is now at homeostasis?


This guy also suffers from PFS but claims after drinking beer he gets and erection that he can actually FEEL!
Beer/Alcohol is also estrogenic.

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my legs also feel like shit, and I get out of breath easily going up a flight of stairs… does anyone else have that? Like there is plaque/tar in the legs/below the waist?

> I remember reading that E2 influences elasticity of cardiac tissue. (Im pretty sure) If not, it was something that made me think there could be some relation between low e2 and heart issues.

Yup, it’s true, estradiol has been shown to reduce endothelial dysfunction and reduce arterial stiffness, however estrogen is also important for cholesterol metabolism, thus low E2 over time = increased chance of heart disease (moreso atherosclerosis but also cardiac damage), estrogen also probably affects the cardiovascular system in more ways we aren’t aware of

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For me, it has no sense to go again to discuss about if this is caused by T or E2. It is not (at least NOT ONLY) an homonal issue!!! Please read more along the forum and open your eyes.


Listen , I know this sounds selfish , but I really could give a rats ass about anyone else…I am looking at my own symptoms that I share with many of you, as well as drugs/supplements I have taken or better yet NOT TAKEN.

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If you think you have a low estrogen, try phytoestrogens.
But I think you’ll only get worse.

thanks tomas !! the problem is a shutdown of receptors…


The only hormones out of whack for me are

Slightly elevated DHEA-S
Low E2 12pg/ml (12-43)
Low DHT 220 (300-850)

If you want to believe that your some uncureable fucking alien mutant than go ahead… I personally believe that my symptoms (any many others lay here (e2,t , dht and adrenals balance…

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Though , I forgot to add what Mailando said. A shutdown of receptors is also a very likely cause imo

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Exactly, I think we all have problems with the AR (or ER) receptor.

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yes, but something most trigger that receptor to not activate. Its like something is cancelling something out, which blocks the receptor. When I get an erection from physical stimulation , its like the blood is in a rush to get out, as if it has to go to my legs for example a lion chasing me?


It is interesting of course, do they experience the same side effects in same severity?

(I understand the malevolent drugs like Accutane or Propecia have the ability to cause some serious damage. But i don’t understand how the hell a natural substance cause the same thing. Moreover, i really don’t understand how the hell that our science still couldn’t solve this stupid PFS. We send spaceships to outer space. Yet helpless against a god damn hormonal imbalance in a human body. Im just angry at the moment sorry.)


Please stop that “natural cannot be bad”. There are a lot of natural things that can kill you in a moment.


There are plenty of people who have these symtoms and have no clue why, some claim to never have taken drugs. We may be genetically predisposed and fragile.


Yeah I bet there are 100.000+ people in the world who never took a drug but still got one or two PFS symptoms (like only brainfog, sleep issues, low libido etc.) They never find this forum cause they have no clue about PFS since they didnt took a hairloss drug. I didnt know about PFS for 3 years after my soy induced libido loss. I only made the connection when I crashed from milk thistle into severe PFS and found awors milk thistle thread on google.


absolutely right - i follow a forum of patient.info and its literally my symptoms. People from all over comment and post on it.

just an exmaple

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I wonder how many groups there are out there that are essentially dealing with the same problems as us.

Networking will be important to us. If anyone is aware of a similar group please bookmark it!

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oh come on. doctors will laugh their asses off when we tell them that and nobody would ever research more about us pfslers

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I got it from Milk Thistle, same as Invictus. It gave me anhedonia, varicose veins, varicocele.

Don’t know if it counts as “strange” but mine is entirely from Kirkland Minoxidil.