Vitamin D & E2 level

Thanks for the reply.

Strangely enough, I’m having extremely high sex drive today with spontaneosus erections and with sense of well being whereas yesterday I experienced total ahedonia/apathy with my penis feeling totally disconnected from my body and brain. Literally, the only way I could get hard was through manual stimulation and erection would not last long. This was going on for about 2 weeks until today.

Now I don’t wanna jump into conclusions, but I’d say one of the following may have helped:

  • Working out my legs last night with moderate weights, sets, & reps for no more than 45 mins. For example, I did squats & lunges with heavy-moderate weights and only did 3sets/12reps each.

  • Adequate & uninterrupted sleep (7-8 hrs).

  • Adequate saturated fats along with extra virgin olive oil.

  • Stopped Aromasin & vit. D for a while probably helped raise my very low E2. My vit. D was super high to begin with and doctor mentioned that I don’t need supplementing until January 2019.

  • Improving my gut function through stopping all artificial sweeteners in addition to taking probiotics, glutamine, and enough fiber intake.

  • Taking testosterone boosters including nettle root, tongkat ali & DAA.

As I said, I’m not exactly sure what might have triggered my non-existant libido but these were some of the things. I’m glad to help others in the same boat.

But then again, I experienced many of these short lived feeling-good periods where I feel like a mighty Greek God yet they would always come to an end and go back to square one and end up over analyzing what might have gone wrong.

I’m crossing my fingers that it lasts this time around.

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Your vit.d level (around 40) is too low.
100 max is no reliable range. Best results above 100.
So, vit. d cannot be your e2 problem.
High dose vit. d (100000-500000) is only a problem, when…
you have kidney issues
dont add k2 and magnesium

Instead go into the sun for 2 hours every day and absorb vit.d. It is a hormone, not a vit. You might increase testo and e2 (due to aroma) this way. Check if out.

Nettle root is a 5ar inhibitor, similar to finasteride.


Man have you read my posts? My Vit. D 25-OH (D3) is 136 nmol/L, which is equivalent to 54.4 ng/ml and max ref. range is 100.

54 ng/ml isn’t low by all means. If anything, it’s mid range or higher. I’ve been taking vit. D for over two years (around 6,000IU l+ daily of which 5,000IU+ via supplementing) without fail.

Besides, there is no definit study in which optimal vit. D level is determined, controversy exists until this very moment. It just happens to be one of the most studied and controversial vitamins in recent years. Moreover, my minerals profile shows that my calcium level is borderline low even though I’m supplementing over 1000mg/day of calcium citrate (not including my diet), this means the body might be deliberately lowering calcium level as a reaction to elevated vit. D. This is my best guess but the body is certainly always trying to achieve hemostasis one way or the other. Luckily I didn’t get kidney stones!

I happen to be a very high E2 converter, meaning I always had problems with high E2 since puberty and with finesteride my symptoms were exacerbated. That’s why I quit it in first place and had to resort to taking AI.

Again, it could be that low dose aromasin (3-4mg) might have something to do with my low E2 but I also stopped vit. D.

And yes I do supplement with vit. K & K2 alongside magnesium citrate.


I’ve read contradicting studies and opinions on this specific matter, but I do know that nettle root also binds to SHBG, which frees more testosterone and DHT.

Increased FT ----> Dopamine

I know the subject vit.d.
100 is not max. Maybe in your country indicated as max. From 300 it is getting toxic. But you don’t get there.
I have been talking to docs who told me being above! 100 is very good. Only mainstream opinion is telling you vit.d is toxic.

So, your level is not good. If you don’t believe me, okay.
Calcium: if you higher dose just vit.d, you get your calcium. But check your ca/ Magnesium ratio.
Bzw, 6000 IU is nothing, you won’t have any significant effect. Go into the sun and you get 100 000 iu in two hours. Depending on your skin colour.
BTW I know the controversial studies but also self experience books and the opinions of docs who don’t say that in public.
If you believe your facts, perfect. Not sure, if you can expect or doing any progress by not changing your vit.d protocol.
Anyway, good luck.

No nettle root is what I read in many! post. .Also, don’t touch arimidex - you can destroy receptors.

A lot is possible without hormones or prohormons.

Plz pay attention that vits, minerals! and aminos interact with hormones. That’s unfort.creepy complex stuff.

Ex: lots have high prog. Prog retains potassium in the cell if pot gets used. So, adding pot.can lower prog. Try and test. Best


Thanks for your valuable responses, I appreciate it. Quite frankly, I haven’t done much digging into progesterone and pregnenolone so I can’t be much of a help there. Thing is, I noticed that the less supplements I take, the better I feel in general.

I’m certain that the countless vits and supplements I’ve used over the years have caused many bodily and chemical imbalances. Bummer!

IMHO, embracing simplicity is the way to go. Yes, there might be some deficiencies here and there that can be remediated through supplementation but that should always be limited and supported with necessary tests.

Currently, my potassium level is high normal so don’t need any supplementation there. Though my sodium is problematic because it’s almost at the highest level. I think this was due to my high intake of Himalayan pink salt, which is so stupid on my part! So I had replaced it with a lower sodium iodized salt that also contains a bit more potassium.

As for nettle root, I’m confused! It has always been touted as a mean to inhibiting SHBG and promote FT. I even recall several T boosters for bodybuilding purposes in which nettle root was among the active ingredients.

Meanwhile, I’ll discontinue ingesting nettle root and do further research to be on the safe side.


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The simple way is cool.

Nettle root : that’s the same with. A lot say DHEA yes, others not.

I would say, if you have good exp., cool.

More important is sodium / potassium ratio!.I think that’s the main point for you/some. I read a bit about that topic but cannot give any idea how to balance that.

Good luck!

I have been taking VitD3 5000-8000 IU/day even some days 10000 for the last 8 years. I would say VitD is the best medicine to fight PFS. It successfully stopped my bone and muscle loss and reversed my osteoporosis.I was able to work again. Without it , I would be dead.

If vit. D did all these things to you then great for you. But I wouldn’t go as far to advise others to believe vitmin D is a magic pill! Especially in those high doses and duration. Yes, it is important to one’s health but key in moderation.

Besides, super high vit. D intake may lead to the so called “Calcification”, which occurs when calcium builds up in body tissues and blood vessels and in turn may lead to heart disease. That’s why it’s advisable to supplement vitamin K as well, again it’s all about balance. Godspeed.


Very helpful bro, thanks. Yes I’m currently tweaking my sodium:potassium ratio and will get labs to confirm it.

I’m also continuing to take DHEA ED in very small doses and carefully monitoring any sides. I’ll report my findings.

I didn’t manage to get to sleep early last night and this is very, very critical to PFS sufferers (sleep no later than say 11:00pm max.). This was mainly due to my late evening cardio (9:00pm). I lately included a bit of jogging/cardio in my workout routine but I usually do it 5-6 hours before bedtime.

Cardio, especially intense one, increases your core body temperature along with stress hormones cortisol and epinephrine (i.e. adrenaline), which disrupts your sleep and induce post exercise insomnia and midnight awakenings. Goodness, I could feel my heart pounding hours later. So I woke up today not feeling refreshed.

Lesson Learned!

vitamin D is very very important to healing. from my crash in 2010 until 2015 i was always inside, vitmain d3 below 10 (30+ normal range).
in 2016 i went sunbathing also naked and this was crucial part to my 80% recovery that time. its important to get the whole body in the sun, back,belly,cojones(ajaja,but only short not burn them).

im the same with intense cardio (soccer) after say 6PM! it worsens the sleep and im not cold enough. i always look bloated in the face after too long intense cardio…is this a stress reaction? what room temperature do you prefer to sleep? i prefer really low, 16celsius and below.

AS AS you take K2 AND Magnesium, You can take easily 20 - 50000 a day for a year. There are plenty of ppl doing so. In summer, as mentioned from jakobi, take normal sun for at least two hours. Very important.


It’s great that you’re being active. It’s a crucial part of the recovery journey IMO. Cardio is great since it enhances the circulatory system, which increases blood flow to the genitals and improves heart function and I’m certain it also has something to do with releasing certain brain chemicals (feel good chemicals AKA “runner’s high”).

It’s better to start easy and gradually build your stamina, though. The more fit you are, the less cortisol spikes during exertion.

However, as mentioned in my previous post that it should be at least 5-6 hours before bedtime. So if you get to bed say at 11pm, don’t do cardio later than 5pm.

Your facial bloating might have something to do with the it. High intensity cardio/endurance exercises lead to a spike in stress hormone (cortisol), which may induce facial bloating AKA “moon face” (It’s also a known side effect of corticosteroids treatments).

It’s extremely hot in my country so A/C is a must especially in summer! I usually set the temperature around 19C-20C to get me to feel cool but I also happen to be a building maintenance engineer and room temperature in the range 20C & =<24C is considered fine.


Yep, I’ve been taking vit. K and Magnesium citrate (around 450mg/day since higher tend to produce laxative properties and may interact with calcium absorption). Ironically, I’ve always avoided sun exposure like a plague (that’s why I resorted to supplementation in first place) even though it’s almost always sunny here in my country. Yes, I’ll get out in the sun more often since I stopped vit. D supplementation anyway.

I happen to believe that sun light has much more to do with the body in addition to vit. D.

It literally took me many years to be where I’m right now, I’ve suffered a lot in deep silence and lost many friends and potential partners due to PFS! I know there’re many others who are in similar agony and my message to them “Hang on you’re not alone, you can beat this”. Peace

Uh yeah don’t do that.

Plenty of studies showing that 8,000-10,000IU daily is sufficient to significantly boost Vit-D levels in blood. Anymore than that is over kill.

Also, 15-20 minutes of sun exposure is sufficient. Anymore than that and your body turns off Vitamin D synthesis.

I know that study saying that. Unfortunately, that amount is equal 10 minutes in the sun.
There are studies saying that intake of 50-100000 daily is no problem even over months.

Taking only several minutes of sun is not sufficient. Especially when your skin is not very white. Then you need much more.

How do you explain that in regions where ppl have lots of sun exposure, cancer rate is almost zero. (greece) They take sometimes several hours of sun. Cancer doesn’t like sun exposure.

Among your logic, street worker would be all toxified cause they are exposed for several hours. That is not the case. The opposite is true.

Overkill is not going into the sun. Saying the opposite is propaganda. Cancer rate and osteoporosis rate in countries where ppl have middle and low range vit.d levels is rising and higher. Vit.d is very important for your overall hormone system and especially libidowise.
You should not intake more than 50000 IU at once cause the body cannot absorb more than that within few hours.

How do you explain that a guy intaking several 100000 IU a day could cure several issues in only one year? There is a book to be found about that protocol on amazone. Lots of ppl had tried that as well. Me too. Great results especially longterm.

So, among your theory this guy should have been over killed. :slight_smile: But the opposite occurred.

Best is anyway to have sun exposure. Also due to the fact that exposing your body will increase body temperature which is in some cases a viral point.

Hi wanted to add this video to this topic. Unfotunately it is in german, but it explains that the pharma lobby want’s that we think vit D is something we don’t need to supplement but this dr explains very well what realy goes on.

Vitamin D Prof. Dr. Jörg Spitz

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